Your night time routine


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Alana is now almost 12 weeks old and we havn't established a night time routine. She has a bath at around 7pm then comes back downstairs with us, where she either sleeps on us or feeds until we go to bed at around 11pm.

Whilst I don't want to have a really strict routine I think it is time that we put her to bed, upstairs on her own before us.

What sort of routine do you follow with yours babies at night and have you got any advice about establishing a routine?

I started charley's routine from day 1 and he used to cry to start off with at bedtime but after afew days he started getting excited for bedtime cos he knew what was happening.
I take charley upstairs about 6.15, strip him off so he can have a naked kick about on the bathroom floor, then top and tail him so he's clean, moisterise him cos he's got dry skin then nappy on and get him in his vest and sleepsuit. I then put him on my bed with a dim light on while I go warm a bottle, feed him on my bed, put him in his cot awake, put night show on then leave the room.
My advice-stick to it! Lol x harder than it sounds honest :) our routine is;
Bath at 7pm, straight into his dark room to get his eczema cream on and pyjamas on, then bottle in his room and when he's finished that, dummy and a cuddle until he falls asleep and straight into bed :)

Usually he'll wake up once after we've transferred him into his cot but we just go up, don't speak to him or pick him up (but we offer eye contact so he knows he's still safe) and settle him back down.

Good luck x
we give Ellie her supper and 2 oz of her 6 oz bottle at half 6 let her have a naked kick about for 15 mins til about 7.15 then we give her a bath (every 2nd night) or top and tail her, get her all changed ready for bed and then we go straight to Ellies room and feed her the rest of her bottle, and put her to her cot awake around 8pm and then she falls over and that is her to her dreamfeed at midnight then she sleeps til the am, although the past week she has been refusing that dreamfeed and sleeping til 7am still xx
I was rubbish and didn't start a routine until about 5 months! He took to it quite well though when I did start, I do :-
6.20 - bath then nappy free time and baby massage
6.45 - bottle
7.00 - bed with the mobile on
He is normally within a few minutes xx
depending on amelias feeds depends on the timings but each steps happen every nights
upstairs in her crib while i set evrything up or with her dad on our bed
dried and pjs on
sleeping bag on
bottle put dummy in
and she settles herself to sleep x
When I first started Lizzie's 'routine' it seemed pretty pointless as all it consisted of was turning the TV off and giving her a brief massage, changing nappy and sleepsuit and then putting me that didn't seem 'enough', but I prefer bathtime in the morning so couldn't think of anything else to make it much different!

However, after about a week of doing it anyway, she started realising what it meant - now we do the massage, put her upstairs and she's asleep within 10 mins cos she knows it's bed time :)

The key is to make sure you do the exact same thing every night, and you'll get there!
alanna didnt get a set routine till she hit about 3 months. before that i just went with the flow which worked really well for me, she slept through the night from 3 weeks old. Now though she gets a bath about 6-6:30, then bottle, then bed by 7-7:30, sleeps 12 hours.
Laylas bathed every other night at 8.00pm n them bottle in a dark room, laid into her cot with her mobile on n shes asleep before it goes off 18minutes later,
Weve been slowly getting earlier with bedtime from 10pm over a few weeks, but 8pm works well for me n oh at the mo until i go back to work then it wil have to b earlier cos she will sleep a good 12/13 hours :)

DS is nearly 10 weeks. I take him into our bed and feed him lying down beside me til he falls into his deep sleep then put him in the Moses basket beside me (or if I want to be close to him I'll keep him in with us). He will sleep about 5/6 hours at this point. He can fall asleep on his own in the basket but at night he's particulary clingy. I bath him during the day as DD gets a bath a night and goes to bed at 8 so it's a busy time for us anyway.

Oh, and he likes the noise of the tv on in the background to fall asleep.

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