To swaddle or not


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2017
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I have a 15 day old baby and I have been loosley swaddling but so para about SID.. Is it higher risk? Do you just tuck a, blanket in to sides,?
The Lullaby Trust are great for advice on avoiding SID
Alexis my baby is 4 months today and hospital and midwife advised not to swaddle. However, my nieces are only 2 and when they where born their mums were advised to swaddle.
I was so anxious I didn’t swaddle I just tooked a blanket into the sides however I personally think it depends on your baby. My baby throws his arms in the air and wakes himself up and would of benefited from swaddling so now when I put him down I do do it with a blanket then when he’s asleep take the blanket off his arms.

Look into SIDS but the advice varies from year to year and country to country. Do what you think is best.
I know this is old now but re swaddling - some experts say it’s a bad idea, it suppresses the startle reflex which is actually a really important part of a babies development of the central nervous system, gotta let the baby startle until they eventually grow out of it on their own, Swaddling can stop them from being able to startle x
@night owl We use the love to dream swaddle suits. Baby still startles awake but their arms are kept up near their face so they just rub their face a bit and go back to sleep.

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