The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hey ladies, was just pondering Maybe's suggestion of this thread and thought it'd be a good idea for us to sort of pool our info together and see if we can give any help to each other through our own experiences.

I'll start...

Why am I on Clomid? - Consultant found cysts on ovaries and said I wasn't ovulating but everything else (bloods, HSG etc) looked good and DH's semen analysis was great so only issue being OV, I was given Clomid to boost it.

How much am I on? - Consultant started me on 100mg which he said is for 6 cycles if we need it but he seemed very positive and said he doesn't expect to see us again which I felt was really encouraging but also a bit scary!!

When do you take it? - I take mine on CD2 til CD6.

Any side effects? - I've been really emotional, blubbering at everything! Tired and have had a headache or two! Also hot flushes..!!

Did it help OV? - Shortened my cycles from over 100 days right down to 31-34 days which is fantabulous, plus I've had mega positive ov tests so I *assume* I'm ovving but as I wasn't monitored, this wasn't technically confirmed...Although the regular cycles are a good sign!

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - Yes (see above) I didn't need to use any of the Norethisterone that I was prescribed, which is really good. My AF arrived naturally and was always a proper bleed so all good signs.

Was Clomid a success for you? - We'll see!! :pray:

Of course you can add your own info if you want to. Hopefully this will get a bit of discussion going and other members who are on Clomid will be able to get some use out of this thread. :)

**I'll try and add in any BFP's from Clomid, if you want to be added let me know what dosage you were on, cycle number/round number and I'll add you!**

Clomid BFP's

  • LauraB_83 - Round 1 of 50mg Clomid - :bfp:
  • MrsL84 - Round 1 of 50mg Clomid - :bfp:
  • Nicky1987 - Round 3 of 50mg Clomid - :bfp:
  • Drummers_Wife - Round 4 of 100mg Clomid - :bfp:
  • Hana_022001 - Round 1 of 50mg Clomid - :bfp:
  • Emma.B. - Round 2 of 50mg Clomid - :bfp:
  • Bellarina - Round 4 of 100mg Clomid - :bfp:
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Ok here goes mine....

Why am I on Clomid? - Diagnosed with PCOS - ovulating irregularly so put on it to stimulate my ovaries and regulate ovulation

How much am I on? - Currently on my second cycle of 50mg. Doesn't appear to be working!!! One more lot of 50mg to go then i have 3 lots of 100mg :)

When do you take it? - CD2-6

Any side effects? - Massive hot flushes and mega mood swings!!!!

Did it help OV? - It cut my first cycle down from 140+ days to 60 days :) Currently on day 32 and not sure if i've ovulate or not!!! Just waiting for af!

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - See above lol!

Was Clomid a success for you? - Not yet!!

Loving this thread Miss J!!

Hey Girls, just sharing my experience.....

I was on clomid to regulate/shorten longer irregular cycles (and coz I mithered my doc! :whistle:)

I took 50mg as prescribed first 2 cycles, 1st I ov'd cd 11 I was about 22 the natural cycle before, I probably missed OV that time, second, I ov'd on cd 13 and didn't catch, third I decided to double dose to 100mg, ov was cd14 and I got pregnant that month.

I took days 2-6.

Honestly- no side effects, although I felt sick the first cycle but I ate oysters...

I already OV'd but it regulated me to a 26-28 day cycle compared to a 30-38 day one.

I am preggers but I can't say for sure it was the clomid but I definitely think it helped, it can also help boost progesterone and lengthen luteal phase which can also help you get preggers.

Good luck girls! :)

Maybe........ as if you are 19 weeks already!!!! xx
Thanks ladies, looking forward to seeing everyone's experiences. :)

x x
I know!! :) If it make you girls feel better it does go really quick once you're preggers, I was sooo stressed ttc, looking back at my drawer I swear there were litterally hundreds of pee sticks and loads of other things, conceive + pre seed, not to mention the bloody magnifying glass....:shock: then the other day I found the monocle!! :shock::shock::shock:

Don't loose hope girls and as hard as it is try not to stress, I've made myself a promise to ntnp next OV sticks no hpts.......let's see if that happens!! :whistle:

Defo not stressing, have been pretty chilled out for ages now cos it feels like I kind of accepted there was an issue and from there, I've been really chilled out. :)

DH was asking whether we should make some kind of plan for this month and I said no way, I just want to carry on as we have been. I do have ov tests though but that's mainly for my own curiosity and to see if there's any difference with the Clomid. And I admit, I do have some cheapie hpts on their way as well... I'm prepared and ready to go. :thumbup:

x x
Good luck Miss J, I have everything crossed!! :)

Why am I on Clomid? - I dont ovulate properly all my post ov progesterones have been below 30 = not ovulating - HSG clear and possible PCOS, hubbys sperm 1 bad 1 good so well see xx
How much am I on? - I am on cycle 2 of 100mg - was given 3 months and will need to phone if not preg in tww of 3rd cycle xx

When do you take it? - I take mine on CD2 til CD6.

Any side effects? - I've been really emotional, getting annoyed with hubby all the time - not so much anyone else but hubbys lil habbits that sometimes annoy me but are cute now bug the hell out of me :shock:
1st cycle no hot flushes - this cycle ive woken every single night and throwing the covers off xx

Did it help OV? - 1st cycle pos opk day 14 and 21day bloods showed progesterone 36.05!! :yay: no further tests now - just opks!

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - my cycles varied between 26-40 days last cycle was a natural 28days so fx the clomid is doing something good :)

Was Clomid a success for you? - I ovulated - so FX BFP around the corner!! :pray:
i started 1st round of clomid this month. i do ovulate on my own but just not getting pregnant so fs gave me clomid enough for 6 months if it fails then i go back . but my age is going against me as im 37 this year. i dont get monitored or nothing. just any problems then he said ring them which i did the other day bout the spotting but they didnt really seemed bothered . and i took clomid days 3 to 7. x
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Thanks for adding girls, DW that sounds like the Clomid is really boosting you! Fab news! :yay: x

Babybaby2011 - FX it helps you too. :) x
Thanks for adding girls, DW that sounds like the Clomid is really boosting you! Fab news! :yay: x

Babybaby2011 - FX it helps you too. :) x

Thanx miss July xx

I'm hoping for a miracle but have very lil fight left so I'm very much go with the flow these days xx
Would be very special if bfp was this month - af due on my wedding anniversary xx baby would be due in feb - my bday month :)
Wow, I'll be keeping my FX for you. :dust: :dust: x

I worked out if I get my BFP this month, baby will be due just after my birthday. :love: x x
Why am I on Clomid? - Diagnosed with PCOS in 2011, long irregular cycles.

How much am I on? -
Tried 50, 100 and 150mg .. currently on round 8 at 150mg

When do you take it? - Day 2 - 6

Any side effects? - Hot flushes, insomnia, headaches, crying at everything!!

Did it help OV? -
Yes, I believe I have ovulated on all my clomid cycles but only had a few of them confirmed by bloods/scans

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - Yes, before clomid my longest cycle was 100+ days, now its around 30 - 50 days.

Was Clomid a success for you? - Yes in that I ovulate but no as still not preggo
Great idea MissJ! I'm totally on the same page as you with accepting things and being chilled though, I think once we accept we need help it seems a little easier.

soooo here goes...

Why am I on Clomid? - Diagnosed with PCOS in 2011, no cycles at all

How much am I on? - Tried 50 and 100 pre-drilling, now back on 100

When do you take it? - Day 2 - 6

Any side effects? - Insomnia, headaches, hot flushes, mega emotional

Did it help OV? - It failed pre-drilling but hopefully it might help now

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - Not yet

Was Clomid a success for you? - Again, not yet, watch this space...!!
Why am I on Clomid? - After my little girl was stillborn in September my body shut down and stopped ovulating

How much am I on? - 50mg

When do you take it? - Day 2 - 6

Any side effects? - Hot flushes, headaches

Did it help OV? - Yes

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - Not really, had cycles of between 37-44 days days September, on the clomid I ovulated on cd23

Was Clomid a success for you? - Yes i got bfp after 1 round of 50mg, had scan today at 11+2, got everything crossed now :)
Thanks for adding ladies, really appreciate it! It's great to see what's happening for the other Clomid ladies. :yay:

MrsL - Thanks for adding your success story, congratulations! :) x

I've finished Clomid, took my last two tablets today. I feel really, really apprehensive. After almost two years of bfn's, I'm finding it hard to believe I could potentially get my BFP in a few months. :shock:

Quite excited for POAS though. :D

x x
When are you starting to use OPK's? I've decided not to as I'm getting scanned. I've got my first scan on Wednesday which is CD12, eeek scary stuff!
Apparently you shouldn't use any ov tests for 3 days after stopping Clomid cos of the increased LH giving false positive opks. Not sure how true that is, I read it somewhere. :think:

So I guess I'll be starting around CD9 or 10....


x x

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