Really freaking out. Please help!

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Jun 21, 2019
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Hi, I’m currently 9 weeks and 3 days. I had an early miscarriage back in March and ever since I found out I was pregnant again I’ve been so scared!
Last Tuesday I had quite a big bleed, I was convinced I was losing the baby. I was booked in the next day for an early scan and we were both surprised/happy/still scared to see a little tiny baby and a heartbeat! I haven’t stoped worrying though and everything is scaring me. After the scan for a day or 2 I then had brown blood which obviously wasn’t nice but I was reassured that it was old blood and quite common. Since last Wednesday when I had the scan I’ve had some little aches/pains in my lower tummy and also some pink discharge. I’ve also realised tonight that even since before the big bleed I don’t have the pregnancy symptoms that I did have, feeling sick and sore breasts. I’m totally freaking out and over thinking everything! I don’t know what to do?! Please help
It’s normal for symptoms to come and go and experience some cramping and bleeding in early pregnancy. If you are worried though I would call the dr and see if you can get another scan. Good luck x
It’s normal for symptoms to come and go and experience some cramping and bleeding in early pregnancy. If you are worried though I would call the dr and see if you can get another scan. Good luck x
I don’t want to be that pain in the arse that rings all the time and sound like I’m the only woman that’s only been pregnant. Would they scan again this soon? I only had a scan last Wednesday and I’m only 9 weeks
I don’t want to be that pain in the arse that rings all the time and sound like I’m the only woman that’s only been pregnant. Would they scan again this soon? I only had a scan last Wednesday and I’m only 9 weeks

If you’re still bleeding and now cramping too I don’t imagine that they would consider it an unreasonable request. No harm in asking.

Who cares if they think you’re a pain? You don’t have to see them all the time just on a few occasions and then they’ll forget! X
I don’t want to be that pain in the arse that rings all the time and sound like I’m the only woman that’s only been pregnant. Would they scan again this soon? I only had a scan last Wednesday and I’m only 9 weeks

I had a mc previously and now am pregnant 14 weeks, and yes everything scares you and u think the worse but its all okay, i had bad cramps last week i went to see my gp and i have another scan 2mrw,
My advice will be to go to ur gp and express ur concerns and that ur anxious and worried as u had mc previously they will arrange a scan for you.

Goodluck x
I don’t want to be that pain in the arse that rings all the time and sound like I’m the only woman that’s only been pregnant. Would they scan again this soon? I only had a scan last Wednesday and I’m only 9 weeks
I had two mc before this pregnancy and event tho I’m now 19+2 I worry daily so I totally get how you feel.
I had a bleed at 6 weeks and had a scan like you and everything was fine. They arranged a follow up scan for my reassurance tho which really helped at the time. Don’t worry about being a pain your peace of mind is more important and the nurses at the epu are used to women ringing with concerns. Pain is totally normal in the 1st tri tho...your baby is small but your body is stretching. I had full period aches until I was about 14 weeks!!

So how your feeling is normal but make another scan so you feel more reassured.
I do not have first hand experiences, but I understand what you are feeling.
I have a similar problem! 2 previous miscarriages so absolutely filled with anxiety this time. Went for a private scan last week at 9 weeks and everything looked fine, but I've been having brown bleeding for just over a week and it's not stopping. Already had one scan at EPU at 7 weeks because they remembered me from the horrible miscarriage I had last summer, but said they wouldn't usually see someone for brown bleeding and especially not at the moment. It's such a worrying time, just trying to tell myself it's out of my control.
Pregnancy after miscarriage is so anxiety inducing. I miscarries my first at 6+2 and went on to have a healthy pregnancy with my son. I was so anxious until I could feel him kicking. This pregnancy I’m anxious all over again and probably will be until I’m in 2nd trimester, and I’m a midwife too so we aren’t immune from the anxiety! You should talk to your EPAU - they may be able to squeeze you in x
Don’t hesitate to push for another scan lovely! They won’t think you are being a nuisance if you are having more loss and pain it’s absolutely something that should be checked!
This really is such a worrying trimester and especially if you have had a previous loss!
Hope all goes well
but still it warms my hear that people here are caring about you and your health
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