My Little Girl Being Bitten Most Days! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Ladies (and Gents),

My little girl, who is nearly 2, goes to a lovely childminder who she adores. she goes 3 times a week while I am in work. My little girl really enjoys mixing with the other children who go to the same childminder. HOWEVER: she is being bitten most days (even twice a day) by another little girl who is 18 months. She has been bitten on the arm, the shoulder the face - everywhere! I have spoken to my child minder at length about the problem and she says she is dealing with it (but obviously there is only so much she can do - she can't bite her back or smack her - she just shouts at her and moves here away from my little girl.

I have just bathed my little girl and found another bite on her shoulder which she says was done by the same child. I am at my wits end.

I would not send an older child to school to be hit everyday - I would make sure he or she was moved classes SO I think it is the same for my situation: do you think I should withdraw her from the child minder until the other little girl stops biting?? What would you do???? I am very upset about this but do not know what to do. She is very happy there but this can't go on.

Julia xxxxx
I would expect the childminder to speak to the other girls parents and ask them to keep her away until she stops biting or get her to stop it as its such a horrible thng to happen.
You are right, Midna.

The only problem is: the other little girl goes 5 times and week for 9 to 10 hours a day! I know that this would be a great loss in wages for the childminder (money should not matter, I know). Ffion (my little girl) only goes for 7 hours a day, 3 times a week.

I think I will withdraw her until the problem is solved. I get even more upset because my little girl does not cry about it anymore - she just accepts it and holds her breath when it happens. She even COMFORTS the other little girl when the child minder punishes her...

Thanks for your reply - I know I am not being over possessive or sensitive about the whole issue.

Julia xxxx
Thanks for your reply Mrs Tommo22 - only just seen it!

I will give it one more day (tomorrow) and then when I pick her up tomorrow after work I will have a serious chat with the childminder and tell her that I am going to withdraw Ffion until the issue is resolved...

Upsetting Yes - but my little girl means the world to me and I would move heaven and earth to protect her!! The same as any other I suppose!

Julia xxxx
I dont think you should withdraw your daughter as she has done nothing wrong. The other child need to be removed for the safety of the others. The childminder needs to be made aware that you are not happy and needs to address the situation with the childs parents.
Surely the childminder has a legal obligation to ensure the safety of each child in her care ( as far as is possible, as accidents do happen). By her continuing to let this other child harm your daughter, she is not keeping your child free from harm. My first course of action would be to withdraw my child from the situation, regardless of whether she enjoys going there or not. Ofsted (all registered childminders must be ofsted approved) have some good advice on their website - see link below and look at the word document 'concerns & complaints about childminders'. It seems like the childminder is not willing to exclude this 'biter' as she is generating good income from her. I bet if it was the other way round, and the 'biter' only attended 1-2 a week she would have no problem asking the parent to remove them.

Not a good situation :hug:

Ofsted : 08456 404040
Thanks for your reply Kellysomer and X5OT,

I referred to the link you provided me with - THANKS VERY interesting and informative read! Thanks also for their number. You are right, I should withdraw my little girl because she is coming to harm when bitten.

If it was my little girl biting, I would not hesitate to remove her until the issue was resolved. I will discuss it at length with my husband tonight and I think I will write a written letter to the childminder if (or when) it happens again and withdraw her. I will also contact OFSTED for advice on the matter.

Thanks for your advice and help - it is much appreciated,

Julia xxx
No worries - just glad I cld help a bit. Hope you get things sorted out

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