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Feb 5, 2009
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Hello i'm Katrina I am 27 and have a gorgeous 12 month old daughter, called Emma I am married to the most sweetest man my hubby Michael 28 in April we are on cycle #2 of ttc number 2

Our TTC journey started way back in March 2004 just one month after we got married, so it's almost five years down the line now but i'd rather take this back to the beginnning, Ironically we thought i'd fall pregnant on our honeymoon but because i have always had a long cycle and we didn't lnow about OPk or temp stats back then it felt like forever.
In 2005 on Christmas day we finally got our BFP but at 6+4 i had a mc which totally devastated us both, after this we too another break from TTC and decided to try again and on my hubby's birthday in 2006 we had our second BFP this time, we weren't as excited and i didn't really have many symptoms just tiredness and at our 12wk scan we were told such devastating news our baby had died roughly the week before, and because our little bean just didn't want to leave me I had to have a D&C

after these two losses we were totally distraught and were on the verge of giving up, but when we least expected it cos we weren't really 'offically' ttc at that point, in 2007 I found I was pregnant again after a doctor's offical preg test, but because we couldn't remember the date of my last period etc we were booked in at epu for a scan and I was 13wks gestation and nearly in my second Trimester!! we only told close friends at family at this point and after our 20wk scan we told everyone else (well the ones who had no idea) anyway we finally had our happy ending when our daughter Emma Jane was born on 4th Feb 2008.

Because it took so long to get our happy ending we have decided to ttc number #2 sooner rather than later but have had no luck as of yet, please feel free to follow my journey, if you haven't already fallen asleep

oops almost forgot to add i am currently 7dpo and on cd31 of a 38 day cycle I gor +ve on OPK on 27th Jan which was cd22 as I said I have a long and sometimes irregular cycle and going by a 38 day cycle i'm due to test on 12th Feb but if the witch hasn't shown up i'll be testing on 13th Feb

Hey Kat :wave:

So sorry for your losses :( but it's so great to hear that you had a happy ending! I had my m/c at 6+4 too, it's the most horrendous thing to have to go through.

Good luck ttc #2, I hope all goes well for you.

thank you Hannah hun, really hope I get my bfp and a sticky bean soon :D
Hey Kat :wave:

So sorry to hear about your losses and wishing you all the very best with ttc :hug:
good evening diary, started to really notice EWCM, white and creamy so annoying at times cos i either like it may be witch coming or that i've wet myself :oops: :rotfl: lol
:rotfl: I have no idea about all this CM stuff. Either that or I am a late ovulator??? Who knows. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Hi Kaloy2601, :wave:
Want to wish you good luck- I'm trying for #2 as well.

P.s. Our daughters are near the same age - my little Belle was one on 30th Jan.

x x x
fairybelle said:
Hi Kaloy2601, :wave:
Want to wish you good luck- I'm trying for #2 as well.

P.s. Our daughters are near the same age - my little Belle was one on 30th Jan.

x x x

How bizarre that our daughter's are near same age and we are both ttc #2 :D thank you for wishing me luck and I wish you the best of luck too

good luck for ur bfp :pray: i too have long and irregular cycles- 3af in 8 months since i came off pill last yr so i can sympathise with that!
hello Diary, had big temp dip this morning and it still hasn't risen so it looks like witch is well and truly on her way as my tender (.)(.) are now 'normal' no more tingling and the tummy cramps have got worse and i also have pain in my lower back and had a funny tummy and itchy scan all signs of AF..........am on CD34 tonight (8th Feb)

looks like i'm out this month........ :( and it looks like i ov early this month,

here's to next month
morning diary cd35 today, still getting AF like cramping pains in abdomen and in lower back, no sign of the witch as of yet, ttc is soo confusing and misleading as according to OPK I OV around cd22 this month but the witch hasn't shown up yet, but I do have a 35-38 day cycle so i'm not offically late until 13th (testing then) mother nature playing tricks again :wall: :rotfl:

I give up using opk as they are always neg for me!

I have 2 boys 4 and 6 and according tomy OPK at the time i didnt ovulate, when clearly i did as i got pregnant!

I just bd'd everyday or every otherday to ensure i had every possible chance of catching the egg... and it worked 3 times but the last preg was an EP :( at 7 weeks.

Keep at it and good luck x
Thanks so much Lorraine, feeling a little better today hun, sorry to here of your ep though hun. cd36 for me and have been getting down to some BD'ING, just in case i Ov late (TMI) sorry :rotfl: trying to keep +ve now until it's time to test.

feeling hungry and tired still getting the tummy cramps slight nausea although not as bad as when it first started :cheer:
hello Diary, well I tested on 13th and got a BFN so it looks like my +ve OPK on 27th Jan was wrong cos still no sign of the AF (witch) and it's now cd43 so I may have OV late than first thought. :wall:


so sorry to hear about your losses but happy to hear you had a beautiful baby girl :)
good luck ttc #2 :)
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: after been frequently sick and feeling so tired and 6 HPT coming up -ve i went to see gp who sent me to EPU for blood tests which finally confirmed my pregnancy Woo-Hoo

am so happy!!

Make a pregnancy ticker
:cheer: :cheer: Really pleased for you. Congratulations!! Wishing you all the best for the next 9 months!

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