Induction when a vbac


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I'm now 6 days overdue and absolutely no sign of baby so am trying to get my head round the fact that I'm gonna have to be induced. Due to havin a vbac I have to be monitored throughout labour due to risk of uterine rupture but was wondering at what point the monitoring will start if I'm induced? Will it start from 1st contraction or from when I'm in active labour? The thought of been hooked up to a monitor throughout the early stages is really puttin me off.

Has any1 had induction wen attemptin a vbac that can shed some light on it for me?? xx
No idea hun. Can't believe your 6 days overdue though you poor thing!! When is your induction date? x
Should b Monday,got a sweep 2mrw so will get booked in whilst I'm there x
Should b Monday,got a sweep 2mrw so will get booked in whilst I'm there x

Oh wow thats not long to go at all!! Hope someone can help with your question. When I had the drip I was constantly monitored but could still move about the room, not sure if it will be the same.
Im not sure of the answer but with my first i was induced and was hooked upto the monitor from basically the 1st contraction so guessing you would be the same especially with vbac? But all hospitals do stuff different?
Same as bethx, with my 2 inductions I was monitered from before they even started the drip, right til they were born :-( I can never move an inch during labour anyway so it didn't bother me x
When i had my 2 gels i could still move about and was on the antenatal ward. then when i had started dilating i was moved to labour ward and was put on a drip. from then on i was continually monitored and couldnt move but to be honest the contractions were that painful that fast that i wouldn't have wanted to move. All i kept asking was to go home but no1 would let me not even my oh lol x
My hospital won't induce after c-section due to the risk of uterine rupture, will only offer stretch and sweeps. I'd be offered an elective section, but already have one booked for next Friday due to another HUGE baby!
Theyll try the gel first so hopefully that will kick things off for you. I wasnt strapped to a monitor, only twice during labour, once when I was moved to the labour ward, and once 2 hours later. But they kept me on it while I was pushing which I hated. But you cna move as much as you like on the monitor. They tell you that you cant but it just means they have to make sure they're in the right place a bit more often but if they say you cant move, theyre lieing. Also, they cant actually detect uterine repture by continious monitoring so you have full right to refuse it. They may want to just use a doppler more often or do intermittent monitoring.

Im assuming the process of induction is exactly the same with a vbac as to a normal delivery so they give you 24 hours with the gels first Id assume. Sorry for the ramble, but Im having a vbac next time so done a bit of reading lol. Good luck!
My hospital won't induce after c-section due to the risk of uterine rupture, will only offer stretch and sweeps. I'd be offered an elective section

This is the same as my hospital, if some places wont do it atall then i would imagine they will want 2 keep a close eye on everything thats going on during your labour due to the increased risks. If i go overdue to a certain point then its another c-section! x
they cant use the drip on a VBAC, its dangerous to risk hyperstimulation of the uterus after c section. If they want to induce you they would just break your waters and hope for the best. If you and your baby are fine Id be inclined to sit tight and refuse intervention, it just causes problems. Were you induced last time?

soapbox warning.... :mervsmum: You can refuse continuous monitoring. Those monitors dont really tell them if you have a uterine rupture anyway to be honest. You'd know cos your contractions would stop (unless youre on an epidural then youd need the monitor anyway) uterine rupture isnt like your body bursting open or anything. In fact it can happen without you knowing it and it can happen in non vbac women.

When I asked about future VBAC they said I would be an eligeable candidate then said "oh but with continous monitoring of course" I just smiled and nodded but thought "thats what YOU think!" :lol:

sorry.... I have a soapbox about these things 'A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth', which is a well-respected summary of evidence-based practice, says that the rate of reported uterine rupture has ranged from 0.09% to 0.8% for women with a single baby, head-down, who planned a vaginal birth after one previous lower-segment caesarean. The authors comment:
"To put these rates into perspective, the probability of requireing an emergency cesarean section for acute other conditions (fetal distress, cord prolapse, or antepartum hemorrhage) in any woman giving birth, is approximately 2.7%, or up to 30 times as high as the risk of uterine rupture with a planned vaginal birth after cesarean"
So once a mother has had a past caesarean, her risk of needing emergency caesarean in future rises from around 2.7% to around 3.2%. Even taking higher figures for uterine rupture, she is still more than five times more likely to need a true emergency caesarean for other reasons, than for uterine rupture."
My mw said they had 2 ways of inducing after previous section dependin on what my particular consultant goes with,1-traditional gel method or 2-break my waters and use drip to start contractions. I haven't got a clue what my consultant prefers tho.
how long have u got left til inducton?! x
My mw said they had 2 ways of inducing after previous section dependin on what my particular consultant goes with,1-traditional gel method or 2-break my waters and use drip to start contractions. I haven't got a clue what my consultant prefers tho.

youre allowed to choose yourself and request whichever you think would suit you best. Its your preference over your doctors. The fact that 2 doctors at hte same hospital have different techniques shows theres not much in it so you may aswel choose which you'd prefer. Myself I think Id choose waters breaking (even though it makes me shudder) cos I assume you're allowed to stay mobile and have a low intervention birth.

Im surprised the consultant would use the drip after a section at all, my hospital don't use it on VBAC ever.
I'm gonna go more into wiv mw 2mrw cos it doesn't look like this baby's gonna shift unaided lol. It's weird how different hospitals have different methods,us think there'd b 1 set of guidelines wouldn't u? xx
^^ I know, its so bloomin confusing, we're supposed to give consent to stuff but its like you need a degree to get your head round it all!! Hope youre baby makes a move soon, just dont forget that you dont 'have to...' have anything, its always your birth, your choice.
My mw said they had 2 ways of inducing after previous section dependin on what my particular consultant goes with,1-traditional gel method or 2-break my waters and use drip to start contractions. I haven't got a clue what my consultant prefers tho.

im in the same boat as you (when i get there) as ill be having a vbac if i dont have section (just decideing weather my pelvis is to small to do natral birth or not)

they have all different way in dealing with us as we are high risk to certain things, they cant use the same method they would with other ladies regards indution coz it can bring contactions to hard which can course tears as you will know...

i do know that from the start they monitor you very very closely and if at any point you dont progress even for a short period they will not leave you like they would with a normal labor, they will just give you a section..............these are the things that are putting me of vbac :( :( just wish it could be simple and natural,

hope all gose well as im sure it willlllllllllllllllll x x x xx xx x
^^ I know, its so bloomin confusing, we're supposed to give consent to stuff but its like you need a degree to get your head round it all!! Hope youre baby makes a move soon, just dont forget that you dont 'have to...' have anything, its always your birth, your choice.

reading what you av put isssssss so helpfull hahaa

and your very right they tell you half stories an make you think you have to do it the way they say when really you dont??

hard work really all this on top oof the fact you should just be concentration on the birth
My mw said they had 2 ways of inducing after previous section dependin on what my particular consultant goes with,1-traditional gel method or 2-break my waters and use drip to start contractions. I haven't got a clue what my consultant prefers tho.

im in the same boat as you (when i get there) as ill be having a vbac if i dont have section (just decideing weather my pelvis is to small to do natral birth or not)

they have all different way in dealing with us as we are high risk to certain things, they cant use the same method they would with other ladies regards indution coz it can bring contactions to hard which can course tears as you will know...

i do know that from the start they monitor you very very closely and if at any point you dont progress even for a short period they will not leave you like they would with a normal labor, they will just give you a section..............these are the things that are putting me of vbac :( :( just wish it could be simple and natural,

hope all gose well as im sure it willlllllllllllllllll x x x xx xx x

eeeeeek! "pelvis too smalll"??? are they going to xray you? Has your consultant just timetravelled from the 1920s?? more info....

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