How much should LO be eating?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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The more we give him the more he seems to want :shock:
I express and he has formula and we were giving him whatever I expressed (40-100ml) then a 90ml formula and he wanted more so upped to 120ml but he still wanted more, MW said up it to 150ml to top him up which we did but no matter how much we give him he's always rooting and wanting that little bit more. He now has 150ml x at least 6 plus expressed breast milk plus quite often little top ups of 20-90ml about 20mins after a feed.

Me and OH feel like we're on a constant relay of feeding as he'll have his feed, snooze for a bit then want another top up before he'll sleep so feeding could take 2 hours then he's nearly ready for another full feed.

Where does it all go??
At this stage some LO feed almost constantly, the idea is they are stimulating your supply. Trouble is, with them getting topped up your body isn't being told it needs to supply your LO with more. I notice in another post you were having trouble latching on. Do you have any breast feeding clinic's nearby that you can goto ASAP? They were really helpful when I went along. I was having a lot of problems getting Ellie to latch on and she was just getting more and more fustrated, so I also resorted to expressing and giving her the bottle. Though I found she could then latch on after I had expressed as some of our problems was down to me having flat nipples, using the breast pump pulled them out enough for her to latch on. The clinic showed me ways to draw the nipple out. They also showed me other positions (esp lying down) as I was struggling to hold her weight as I had strained both my arms during labour.
No clinics nearby no, they're all other side of town. I bought another pump today so I can express more often to try to keep up with demand. Cant believe his belly is that big!

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