Hospital bag

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I know there's a thread about this but just wanted to ask you girls too!! I'm in the middle of doing my bag now and so far I have...

4 nb vests
4 nb sleepsuits
Going home outfit for baby
A hat, booties, scratch mitts

Breastpads and sanitary pads
3 pairs of knickers

2 blankets

I'm also gonna pack some sweets, nappies and wipes but what else do I need?!
do you need a washbag for after? or if you stay in?
Camera plus spare card/batteries?
Car park change
List of phone numbers for OH to ring round?
Drinks for you and OH during labour?
Something nice for you to wear home?
Travel change mat?
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Maternity pads
Scratch mitts
Breast feeding bra???
Spare change for tv/snacks
Baby shampoo and baby bath wash
Baby towel
Hair bands?
Comb and toothbrush

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I'm gonna sort wash bag out closer to the time, I need to pack what I'm wearing home but I've packed what I've wrote and have ran out of room, I can't shut my bag!! Gonna have to get a different one for me!!
Muslin clothes/bibs xx

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Need a nightie for labouring too x

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I wore what I arrived in hospital last time, just a long top!! I've just gone through all his clothes that I've brougt, I've got enough tops to last him until spring next year but have only like 5 pairs of trousers!! I think another shopping trips needed!! Lol
Lol yep I only get a few Newborn coz I'm team yellow but will make up for that when baby is here lol!!

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I've got

5 knickers
2 black towels
going home outfit for me
toiletries ( I bought all new)
maternity pads & sanitary pads
2 pyjamas
labour nightie
2 slippers
dressing gown

For baby

5 vests
5 baby grows
going home outfit
bibs/Muslim cloth
scratch mits
pack of newborn nappies
cotton wooll

when it's time to come home lee will be bringing his car seat and a blanket.

I'm not sure about a towel for the baby so i haven't packed one.

Going to get snacks and magazines to go into it this week too.
I might get some new toiletries as i won't be able to pack until labour otherwise... what do i need for that? Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deordrant, shower gel, Shampoo... I don't want to stay in for long so hoping i won't need to use it but will take it just in case i have the same problem as before with placenta.
Just thought, with lacey i had to take my own milk and bottles! Not sure how many bottles to take!
Really??? They supply them where I go health n safety x

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I'll ask at my next mw appointment then but with lace i had to take my own!!!
I bought travel sized toiletries and a new toothbrush x

I've heard quite a few hospitals are refusing to supply milk and bottles in a bid to make people breast feed. I'd phone and ask them honey
My hospital supplies formula and bottles. I'd ask your midwife when you see her next.

In my toiletries bag I got, shower cream wash, shampoo, flannel, scrub thingy, wipes, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairbrush, bobbles and I might take the razor for my pits lol

oh and don't forget your notes!
Makeup!! I can't forget it this time! I had photos done after I had Dom in my hospital bed and I look like complete shit! Everyone lies when they say 'your looking good considering you've just given birth!' so before any visitors I'm gonna make sure I have at least have concealer on for my dark circles!
im naturally goregous so i dont need it :whistle:

haha foundation and eyebrow pen is a must for me (blond eyebrowns to dark hair- not a nice thing on me)

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