Have I just made a mistake??


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I've just put on facebook that I'm pregnant. And now I'm petrified that I've jinxed myself and that something is going to go horribly wrong!!

The only reason I put it on so early, is that my dad keeps commenting to me about cravings and eating for 2. I've told him to stop, but I think he thinks if he comments to me, that only I will see it. He's a major technophobe lol.
So I wanted people to find out from me, rather than put 2 and 2 together from his comments.

Think I may have jumped the gun and I'm worried now :( x

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It's totally up to you when you tell people hun. Some people announce it as soon as they find out, others wait til their 12 week scan, some wait longer still. I don't think the fact you've put it on facebook will 'jinx' you, but then i'm not really superstitious like that. Don't feel bad, its done now and i'm sure you'll get lots of lovely comments :) xxx
Hi, personally I wouldn't post it on fb until after 12 week scan & until I know it's completely all ok. Different people like to tell people at different times so it's completely up to you :) xx
most of the ppl I know .know that I am pregnant dont worry
Ive told the people I want to know so far but not put anything on facebook yet as I want to know everything is ok after my scan next week. Once that is done and fingers crossed all is ok I will be more open on facebook about what I put. At the end of the day it is up to you hun when you let people know and how. I just worry too much especially with my lack of symptoms throughout.
I don't think there's ever a "too early" time, just whenever you feel ready. I didn't make my pregnancy public with my son until I was over 14 weeks but I just didn't really feel comfortable before then. I think if I was in your situation then I'd rather people hear it from me than from assumptions based on comments xx
Honey we told everyone last week, I wouldn't worry too much. People were starting to guess anyway, I imagine your friends will be the same! Xx
I did tell some friends early and when the mc happened I had the hardest time telling everyone what happened. I don't believe in jinxing things. It just was ment to be. Next time I will only tell everyone when I am read to pop or even after that lol.
Aw thanks ladies.
I think seeing the heartbeat at the scan last week defo made me feel more relaxed about it all. And with all the sickness I'm getting I know its still progressing. X

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We told lots of people at about 8 weeks and I put it on Facebook after my 12 week scan. What will be will be - we bought nursery furniture at 8 weeks and lots of people tutted about that but I'm glad we did as now we have a lovely nursery with some bargain Mama and Papas stuff and I'm nearly 26 weeks gone!! Things could wrong at any stage, but for 99% of the millions of women who get pregnant everything goes well, so don't stress too much.
aw hun, you'll be fine - know what you mean about wanting to tell friends yourself.

i don't think you can jinx anything - i'm a firm believer in fate. i'm only 6 weeks and have told some close family and friends - anyway if anything did 'go wrong' for me i know i'd want their support which is very difficult if people do not know in the first place

good luck hun

clara x

(the only reason i don't have a ticker as i've not worked it out yet!!!! - nothing superstitious)
I don't think you've jynxed it, whether people know or not life is what it is and everything happens for a reason. People knowing wouldn't make a difference. I didn't want to tell anyone till i was 12 weeks apart from close family. That turned into wider family and close friends and now work also know. Don't think i will 'announce' it on facebook. Figure the people who need to know i will just tell and it will soon get out but hoping not till im 12-13 weeks. Thats partially due to the fact i dont get on with my mum (well thats putting it mildly), thats a different story lol. But i know if i announce it on FB somehow it'll get back to her. Another reason that when baby comes i won't put pictures on facebook because i don't want her getting hold of them. I also like the idea of it being personal and private. Figure if i put pics on Facebook then it won't be so private. if people want to me our baby they will have to get off their bums and come visit lol ;).

Sorry i went completely of track there didn't I?!.... Anyway think its up to personal choice when and where you announce it don't think there's a right or wrong is basically what i was saying lol.
Defo a personal choice, i didnt put it on fb until i was 14 weeks due to scans and not having told all the people that needed to know but as above ive only put one scan photo on and havent ranted on about it.. Congrats though im sure everyone is chuffed xxx
I wouldn't stress, you have already had one scan which has made you feel more confident and won't be long til your next scan x
I wasn't going to even put anything on there, but couldn't help it after my scan as I was excited, and you get loads of lovely comments, you won't have jinxed it, just enjoy it! x :)
u havnt jinxed urself hun i told every1 at 6 weeks some people were really happy for me because they no how long i wanted this and others were like oooo i wouldnt spread the news yet its to early.....anyway so far so good nothing bads happend i had a private scan last week and all was well...heart beat was all there and she even said to me the chances of mc r alot less when theres a hb.... i just couldnt contain my excitment.. xx
Thanks so much everyone, definitely put my mind at rest!

As I said, I was going to wait til 12 weeks, but my dad just got over excited lol.

But yeah I've been getting lots of lovely comments all day :) its nice! X

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I don't think it is possible to jinx a pregnancy by announcing it on facebook. It's a very individual choice whether to do it or not.

There's not much point now as you have already done it but I would urge people considering announcing it in the early days how they would feel if things went bad and having to 'retract' the announcement and explain about a miscarriage.

Obviously the majority of pregnancies turn out fine as per the stats etc. However, having experienced a miscarriage myself one of the worst parts of it was having to tell people I had told about my pregnancy that it wasn't meant to be. This was truly horrifying for me, and I hadn't even told that many people. The thought of having to do that with all of my facebook friends would be too much for me to stomach personally.
I told everyone at 4 weeks pregnant >.< Opps lol

I'm not 14 weeks woo hoo x You can't jinxed yourself hun x Only if you believe it. But I don't believe all all that jazz anymore x

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