Fed up With Strangers Telling me How Big Maia is


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Im really fed up with people constantly making comments about Maia when Im out and about with her.

Conversations usually start when Im waiting in a queue of some sort and go something like this:-

Stranger: Oh isnt she lovely
Me: Silent, I just smile, or maybe nod in agreement and laugh nervously
Stranger: How old is she?
Me: 9 Weeks
Stranger: Oh shes a very big girl for 9 weeks
Me: Silent again maybe nod in agreement or laugh nervously
Stranger: How big was she when she was born
Me: 8lb 13
Stranger: Oh blimey she was big at birth then

By this point I'm sure my facial expressions and stand offish body language tell said stranger that I'm not at all happy with having said conversation :x

Now Maia is not at all obese she is in proportion for her height and weight and following the graph thingy very nicely. Yes she was big at birth but not gigantic and yes when I see other babies she is big in comparison but why on earth do complete total strangers think it is ok to comment on the size of my baby girl...........agrhh :evil:

Anyone else with bigger babies get this?

It really annoys the s**t out of me.
Angel was also 8lb 3, and i get "My god thats a huge weight" I just have to respond with, "but she didn't look it" Yeah it's over the average, but her head circumference was well under. She looked smaller than she weighed.
But i think, "I don't know you. Why ask such a question?" I never ask anyone how much they weigh unless i know them. I nervously laugh and slowly start to move away. Not looking rude, but enough to make them realise i have things to do.
If she's happy and healthy then why do they ask? Bloody people!
oh god i get this all the time. :rotfl: caden was 8lb 11oz when he was born and last week i had him weighed and at 14wks he weighed 16lb 12.hes following the graph nicely and doesnt look fat,he does look bigger than most at his age but yeah it does get annoying sometimes when people think they have the right to comment out loud.
i used to get and still get oh isnt she tall. err no she is average according to the graphs at her last check.
Tttell hem to mind their own and making comments just isnt on.
i got it to hun Hannah was 10lb 4oz and i used to get "she will be walking next week" as if, and "she looks as though she is 6 months" or "she looks ready for school" yes ok. just ignore them hun
We get the same, its so rude, somehow they dont manage to use an admiring tone when they comment on how big she is but she is only just above the 50th centile! :roll:
I reckon Midna has the right idea, gonna try that one next time.....yes arent I clever to grow such a beautiful big healthy baby! lol :lol:
lil miss was just under 8lb15oz when born and well the average baby here is just on 7lbs... Spaniards are tiny so I CONSTANTLY get comments when I say how old my girls are... and when I tell them how big she was born I always get asked how quickly did I recover from my c section :shock: What c section? I popped her out my bajingo like a normal woman in under 8 hours pssssf.. ... :roll:
Squiglet said:
I always get asked how quickly did I recover from my c section :shock: What c section? I popped her out my bajingo like a normal woman in under 8 hours pssssf.. ... :roll:


I bet that could silence anyone!

I always get - my god hes long. Excuse me, thats my baby your talking about there, not a piece of fruit!! Yer so hes one the 75th centile for length but hes not a long freek baby, i'll smack the next nosey granny that dunks her head in my pram and anounces that my babys 6 foot 4!!!
im the opposite, caitly is 9lb now ans was 4lb 9 at birth and people constantly ask how old and oh isnt she small. or thats a new baby (shes 12 weeks)

we'll never win :)
We get the opposite too. We've had a few people ask if she was premature when she was born (she was 7lb 3.5oz when born!) and she was a lot heavier when they asked. I think its because she is long and skinny.

We get lots of people comment on her length too, e.g. she's as tall as a 6 month old. She is on about the 95th centile for length last time I measured, but only on the 50th for weight.

I don't mind TOO much about the comments unless its strangers. To be honest, most people forget what size babies are big or small, most of the people that make comments haven't had a baby for 30+ years! ;)
Everyone keeps saying how big ryan is to and i haaaaate it!!! they probably look at me and think pfft just like his mum then!!! :evil: why do people feel the need to comment on how big they are? makes me feel like im giving him to much
Remember when you were pregnant and EVERYONE had to say you looked really big or small for your dates? It's a continuation of that :wall: :wall: :wall:

It's amazing how these people think they can accurately say what size a baby is at what age! Yes, my baby is on 98th percentile for height but if you are standing next to me and OH that shouldn't come as a surprise!

Ever thought of asking them how old they are and how much they weigh? :twisted:
im the complete opposite. my LO was 10 weeks prem and he now weighs 16ib at nearly 7 months.
when people asked how old he was when i was out shopping i would tell them his corrected age 4 half months cos every time i said his real age people would give me funny looks as if i had an ill child!!! i dont do it anymore as i am proud of what i have and dont care what strangers think!!!!
I've always had it with Nathan and still do. He was 9lb 5oz born and he just piled the weight on from day 1. He wasn't fat though just big. Now at 18 month I find myself having to explain to people that hes not going to answer you back cos he can't talk yet, or to other mums why he doesn't play properly with their 3 year old cos he doesn't know what they are saying. It doesn't stop though, Jess is 8 now and although she wasn't big born by the time she was 12 months old she was totally off the charts. Some people have said to me that before they knew how old she was they thought she was a bit behind, she could easy pass for 10.
I had the opposite which was just as bloody annoying!!

Lucy was 6lb 14oz when she was born and the number of people who would stop and comment at how small she was - as if I wasn't feeding her or something :wall:

Strangers shouldn't be allowed to comment about babies. Its enough to give you a complex! :wall:
imagine what i got when leland was born at 6lb5oz at 34 weeks :lol: his just grown and grown and i think now platoing , his 18lb11oz this week which is now finally on the 75th centile ( he was born at 99th , his been in 91st for months) but his uncharted for height :rotfl: i get asked why isnt he walking / sitting / crawling , and im like his 4.5 months corrected for gods sake he shouldnt be yet !
I don't get it with Alex, because although he was big at birth, because of him not eating much he's not that big now really :(

With Lydia though she's always been quite big for her age, and I get people saying so allllll the time. Especially because of the fact that she has been quite good at talking from early on, so she seems older than she is (apart from when she starts throwing herself around on the floor - that just ruins the illusion haha).
I remember taking phoebe into work to see the girls and one of them who is a grandmother saying, "oh isn't she chubby, she'll loose some of that fat when she starts crawling" :evil:, she wasn't even fat, she just had chubby cheeks, one of the other women said "Oh she's got such beautiful long thick eyelashes" and the other woman replied with "My grandaughter's got even longer eyelashes", blimey talk about trying to steal a compliment!!!!

Another occassion i went into a shop with her and the women at the till were cooing over her and one of them said "hasn't she got bulgy eyes", I don't think she meant to be offensive and I saw the funny side. I think what she was trying to say was that she has very big eyes, which she has!!!

People can pass comment so easily and not realise that they are actually being really offensive!

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