Desperately need advice - 4 wk old sleep


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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I am in serious need of advice or tips. My 4 week old wont settle tonight. I have been up since just before midnight trying to get E to sleep. It's now 5:20am, I have changed her twice, fed her and burped her when she wanted, but every time I try to put her in crib she wakes up fully. The only way I can get her to sleep is on my chest while I'm sitting on the lounge.

She is usually pretty good at night and sleeps easily after meals and only wakes me a couple of times during the night. I am desperate for any tips or ideas to get her to sleep and stay asleep in her crib.
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Have u tried swaddling her hun?this worked really well for my lo. We got a swaddle blanket and put him to sleep on his side. Not sure what else to suggest...could it be colic?
I swaddle her in a blanket at nights. Though she has to have her right arm out of it otherwise even in her sleep, she wriggles around till she gets it free.

I don't think it's colic as she doesn't really cry. She just wants to play, be held or suckle my boob (not sure she actually eats). She will cry if I try to put her to bed and leave her be.

Thanks for the suggestions though. :)
Kynon does this too, think they have day and night muddled up! I've been cuddling a toy last few nights so it will smell of me to give him in his crib, someone suggested it to me so worth a try! I've also been trying to get him to have a dummy so he doesnt suckle on me so much, he spits it out most of the time though!
Both of Sarah13 ideas sound good Rhea has a dummy which works well but she too has the odd night when she is awake rather than asleep !!! think tonight may b one as she is fast off now and is usually awake !!! xxx
Try using a hot water bottle to heat up the crib/moses basket where baby will lie. Move as slowly as possible and move her in with as little movement as poss. Also, try putting your hand on her head while moving her into the cot & leave it there for a cpl of secs after you put her in.

I also read the other day that it takes babies 20mins to get into a deep sleep, theres alot less chance of them waking up when in a deep sleep. so hold off for a while before trying to move her into cot. I think theres signs to look out for like eye movement..not 100%

Good luck for tonight!
Thanks littlemiss, those tips are definitely worth a try :).

I think she may just be going through a growth spurt. She was a nightmare from around 7pm till 2am, constantly wanting a feed. Hubby looked it up on the net after the mw suggested it and she has ALL the signs. Hopefully she will settle back to her old routine once it's over.
Kayden has some days he'll settle no bother & others he's up every 15mins from 7/8 (bedtime) until around midnight. Its annoying coz thats really the only time of day I get to myself, as thats when eldest LO goes to bed!
Have you tried putting her to sleep on her side or front? Not recommended obviously but Isla sleeps better on her front/side. It's better for trapped wind and colic.

Every few years the front back side sleep thing is changed. In the 6 years between me and my brothers it changed three times, something different for all three of us x


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