

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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Hi all,
Sorry havent been on in a while. I won't go into the whole depression/anxiety thing as thats a whole long story thats still going but I just wanted to ask about PP bleeding.
I'm nearly 5 weeks Postpartum now, and my bleeding stopped completely about 2 weeks ago? And all gross discharge about a week ago... had no incontinence or anything like that.
A few hours ago I suddenly felt like I'd peed myself a fair bit and went to the toilet, in my underwear and on me, there was some blood. Def not a lot, but it was suddenly bright red again. I know I don't have a urine infection as I coincidentally had a new GP check up yesterday and they routinely check for one. My MW discharged me a few days ago, and I remember her saying that if I started bleeding bright red blood again I had to go to hosp, but I'm assuming thats like if you're pouring blood. So basically, am I meant to do anything or is this normal?
Sorry for making this so long about such a minor thing!
I have no idea, ring nhs direct, or your mw, just to be safe. Hope everythings ok xxx
Thanks for the reply. I spoke to my MW and just incase anyones wondering, it is normal... as long as no clots and not loads of it when its already slowed down/stopped.
So glad it's normal honey x
Thats interesting as I have had a similar thing happen twice! My little one is 7weeks now and I have stopped and started bleeding several times, but I had stopped for a good 3 weeks and have now started bleeding again and have just assumed it is my period! Who knows!!
I had a similiar thing and was told it was my period, I had been bleeding for about 4-5 weeks, bleeding stopped for a week then started again. When it started again it was incredibly heavy, I ended up in a&e as it was that bad, filling a maternity pad in less than an hour - they give me thorough check and just came to the conclusion it was my first period after birth.
i thought six weeks was the very earliest, but most people it takes longer? I'm baffled, its been stopping and starting for a few days now. not a lot, but too much to not wear a pad, and I hate wearing pads!
it''s the same for me Leanne, I was so pleased when it stopped last week but only got 2 days of relief before it all started again, very light like you though, I wish it would either get going and get it over and done with or just stop, I'm sick of wearing pads now lol!
I was told that these "gushes" could come for quite a while after having baby, espec if you have done something that was a bit strenuous, hope you're okay hun & we're always here :flower: x
Thanks so much, this is my second but I don;t seem to have any recollection of late pregnancy - post natal from my daughter.
I know what you mean, either be full blown bleeding or nothing, Im done with all the messing around!

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