Am I too old?

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tropical sun

Active Member
Aug 13, 2018
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Hello. I'm 38 and already have 3 amazing children. Me and my husband would really like another child but our concern is that we are too old to start trying and too old to become new parents again. What are your thoughts? Is 38 too old?
Of course it isn’t. I don’t think you are ever to old to try for a baby. If it works for you then go ahead.
Good luck x
No it’s not too old, I’m 35 with an 8 month old baby and looking at the prospect of trying for a second around the age of 38 (childcare costs mean we can’t have another for a few years) it does come with a higher risk of things like miscarriage and chromosome disorders though and a longer time spent trying, I think the best thing you can do it be as healthy as possible- take vitamins especially folic acid keep bmi healthy plenty of exercise etc, to give yourself the best chance, good luck!
Not too old! I'll be 38 in May and we are hoping for at least one more :)
I don’t think that’s too old at all. My mum had me when she was 40. So long as you are fit and healthy there’s no reason not to try.
Thank you all for your supportive replies. I am currently overweight so our plan at the moment (after thought and consideration) is for me to loose weight and get fitter then to start trying (woohoo) I'm going to give myself a realistic amount of time to do it as healthy as possible and so it lasts and isn't just a quick fix so we'll probably start trying in the summer when hopefully ive lost weight and I'm much fitter. I'm looking forward to our journey and following all of yours x
I'm 36 and 31 weeks pregnant with my 1st. It's taken us years of ttc and ivf to get here... I still want a 2nd child.

Age is nothing it's how you feel and what's right for you.
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