What song did you have your first drink/kiss/joint etc to?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Gosh I just can't stop posting tonight can I :roll: I'm trying to forget all those exams i have tomorrow.

Basically what it says in the title. I have been listening to all the music I was into when I was about 11-14, Rammstein, Jack off Jill, Le tigre, Bikini Kill etc, back in the day before I started listening to proper music

But there's a few songs in particular i remember rocking *cough* out to all those years ago when I was 13, at Live In The Warehouse which was this under 21 venue for local bands etc, we used to hide in the toilets and drink cause we were so hard and awesome :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

And I had my first kiss to that horrible "Dilemma" song, at a tack room party, and my first spliff (if you could even call it that) was to temple of love by Sisters of Mercy

I was so cool. :rotfl: :rotfl:
well my first kiss was in a tent in the south of France so i kissed to the sound of what ever was around at the time.
Can't remember my first drink.
And i've never done drugs.
i cannot EVEN remember! my first kiss i was sooooooooooo drunk it was outside a club i probably could hear the music coming from inside but i dont remember it. it was a lovely kiss tho! i was 14.

my first spliff dont remember that either i was also 14- thats a long time ago now lol i am old!
oh yeah, my first drink- well theres a photo at my parents' of a christmas dinner with all my aunts and uncles etc- who are all busy chattering away- and behind my mum's back theres a little 3-year-old me with pig-tails with a glass of wine in my hand- and im pulling a tequila face! :lol: i look like im thinking "euw, yuck!" lol. now that was a veeeeeeeeeery long time ago iv no idea what music was on then!
god knows..i'm too old to remember
or i was too drunk/lean...lol!!!

when i was about 15/16 when i was first doing drugs etc i used to listen to Korn/limp bizkit (yeh i know!!!) RHCP, and stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, metallica etc..so could have been anything!!
Don't remember my first drink and havent smoked/tried drugs but I think when I had my first kiss Futurama was on in the background! :)
Haha my first kiss was to a boy my age (thankfully lol) when I was about 11, and it was the most gross thing ever. I thought he was going to try and eat my face he was so sloppy and yuck! No music though lol

First drink was at butlins holiday camp in Bognor Regis when I was 13, drank half a bottle of vodka neat and spent the night throwing up. No music lol

First joint was to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon album when I was 14....still one of my faves!
Sorry no music involved.

First kiss was in the bus station and it was awful

First drink was on holiday with my Dad Stepmum and his mates, my Dad was ill so we went out with them and i drank double Bacardis all night went back to villa and threw up and then fell asleep with my head down the pan. Never had BAcardi since.

First joint.....cant remeber, someones house when i was 16 all kinda hazy.
Never smoked sice i was 20.
I cant even remember my first kiss to be honest :shock: :lol:

When first drinking it would ave been after dark :oops: how sad is that :lol:

I used to get stoned to cypress hill and oasis :lol: back in the day :lol:
Have no idea! But first kiss with DH was to castles in the sky we have it on cd now and play it for nostalgia now and then :rotfl:
I don't remember this kinda stuff but I used to listen to the levellers, tracey chapman and eagle-eye cherry when I smoked a lot, oh and U2..probably more, but I always think of 'the days' when I hear thier music.

Fleetwood Mac songs make me think of DH and the chillies remind me of being pg with DS, I can't think of an album that reminds me of being pg with DD as by then I wasn't allowed to listen to music...just Tom and Jerry and Spongebob :roll:

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