What shall I put in my hospital bag for baby?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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So Iv bought the cartons of formula that are pre-made. I have 8...is that enough?

Also taking nappies (new-born size) wipes, sudo cream, baby grows..again how many? Anything else for baba?? Xxx
Muslin cloths for sick, blankets, towel, cotton wool in case his bum gets sore from wipes, vests, bibs, scratch mits :oooo:
Ha! I'm not very good at this, thanks girls..poor baby pos :oooo: xx
Anyone know how many times I might need to feed him if I'm
In over night?? Xx
A coat suit thingy and hat as it'll be blinking chilly when you leave! ;) xx
I'd allow for every couple hours. You don't know how he'll be though, he might want to sleep. Does your hosp not provide milk? x
I'd bring at least 10 baby grows and vests, Jacob always caught me off guard when changing him and managed to poop and pee on them a lot! Jacob slept for hours after the birth and then was feeding every 2 to 3 hours. Take a good few nappies as they poop a lot of that black running poop after the birth, plus once you open the bottle of milks you can only leave them for 2 hours before having to throw them away xx
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omg.....this has just made me have a little stress....lol...i havent bought a single thing yet. stay put boo boo til at least 37 weeks til mammy gets organised. i promise i will once i have married your daddy x
Yep pinky I'm taking newborn and 0-3m! Chrissie u think I'l need that many?! Wow this baby is gonna need a big bag lol xx
Well I just know while changing Jacob he always managed to pee or poop before I got his clean nappie on and the pee goes all over the place when it's a boy lol plus he was sick a fair bit at the start too, didn't settle until I got him home and could make his milk warm. Plus the poop leaked a few times out the side of the nappie because it was so runny and I was using pampers.
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This is a helpful thread :yay:
What about stuff to bath baby? My mum has bought me a baby sponge and some baby wash just in case I stay overnight and bath her there. Definitely a hat and mittens because it's going to be cold when you bring baby home. xxx
A lot of babies are too sensitive to be fully bathed for a while after birth - so a lot of people just top and tail clean them with warm water and cotton wool.
I'm so glad you've done this post as I've just started LOs bag but wasn't sure what to put in! I think i've been a bit optimistic as I've only put 4 sleepsuits in and 5 vests and I found out yesterday that our hospital insist that if its your first you have to stay over night :shock:!
I know from others experience at our hospital that they only want you to top and tail as Princess has said and they don't like you using wipes - although I have packed them.
I was just writing my hospital checklist then came on here and read this lol missed out the mits and baby wash just in case. Thanx for that. Also I got 6 bits do any of you think that'll be too much? Xxx
We've packed a tiny baby, 3 new born and a 0-3 lol, got more newborns than anything, maybe need some more sleep suits. Also got scratch mitts, bibs, hat, blanket, muslins, pram suit, outfit for going home. Toiletries wise we have johnsons shampoo, baby wash, baby oil and lotion. Don't suspect I'll use them at first but they're there anyways. Also cotton balls, and newborn wipes, and nappies. Blimey! No wonder bag weighs a tonne! Do you think we need anything else?
Tundra have you got some sort of barrier cream for her bum if she's sensitive?? I've got a mini sudocrem from my bounty pack but also vaseline just in case.
i have a huge pot of sudocrem...and thats just for me :) xx

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