What happens next?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

Had my 12 week scan yesterday and lost baby at 8 weeks, sac only measuring 10.....

Got another scan next thrurs and if nothing then will have my options, they seem to be planning on giving me the tablets thrs and having me back sat, they did say not to get hopes up for the scan as no heartbeat....

I started bleeding this morning, is this the start of my miscarriage??? I called the hospital and they said to go to a & e if gets heavy but is started and stopped, now little cramps, what do I expect next? Or do I hold out until Thurs????

Thanks for any help x
hi it could be the beggining but it sounds like its possible you may need tablets anyway to get things moving :( so sorry for your loss its not easy to deal with in some cases they can use a tablet and then everything comes out natrually sometimes you need to go in for an operation called a d&c which is a gentle suction to remove the pregnancy so that everything is removed. it depends on what the docs say though. xxx hugs xxx
Thanks hun, I dont like the sound of a d&c but then again would rather just get on with it so we can try again, been very emotional and weepy but think once its all over I will be fine, know hormones are flying around at the mo too! I just feel for all the people who were so excited for us, my parents first grandchild, my brothers and sisters, my hubbys family and our friends, everyone was so excited I feel gutted for us and gutted for them too, guees the sooner this is over the better so I can concentrait on trying again.....x
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It is possible it is the start of ur mc, but there is nothing u can do to stop it, just try and relax. I started bleeding 5 days before I actually started mc'ing naturally at home so it is possible it may take a while. My experience is in this thread http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/miscarriage-support/204068-bleeding-please-help.html if u would like to read, probably a better account that what I have now. Thinking of u and so sorr for ur loss :hugs: xx
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it seems that is started. go to the town nd buy some pads to have ready, the maxi ones (you will need them regardless the method they choose for that) buy some painkillers too, some chocolates and juice to have near you when the pain will kick.
clean the bathroom and make sure enough toilet paper, clean panties in the bathroom for immediate use etc. also some towels to put under you just in case you bleed too much.

if you fill more than one maxi pad in 1 h you should go to the hospital or if the pain is too much for you to handle with painkillers or if funny smells or fever.

keep the scan day, they will check if everything is out if not they will either try to help you with the pills (though not so sure they will give you that after yoy start bleeding as cervix is open already) or give it more time or schedule you for a d&c.

by the size of the sac i would say that the pains will not be horrific neither the bleeding but every case is different so...

i am so so so sorry for you lost :hug: come here if you feel asking more things or just to chat
So sorry to hear that Twinkles. I found out there was no heartbeat when I was 9weeks and was told it stoped at 7weeks. I wasnt in pain or bleeding but from my experience-they knew by measurements what had happened,called in another person to confirm that there is no heartbeat and I made the decision to have ERPC done. They asked me if I wanted to wait and come following week but I didnt see the point. According to 9weeks "it"was too small+no heartbeat. Fortunatelly w have a private cover so I called my consultant and by the phone he confirmed what I was hearing and booked me in for ERPC.Sorry if it seems too harsch...If u r worried u should maybe go to a&e perhaps if they can they will do another scan or blood test to see ypur hormones level and what ever u decide to do they will bring it forward? To me waiting till Thu it seems just too long especially if u r bleeding on&off... Hope it helps,thinking of u x
Thanks for your quick responce girls, kanga I will have a read of that now, cheers hun....

I know it sounds stupid but I really cant have an appointment before next thurs, I am self employed beauty therapist and I am fully booked both this week and next, I have moved a few clients for next Thurs for hospital appointment and the whole of the Sat as expecting to be in a good while in hosp, its been a nightmare moving these clients as I dont have any spaces to move them too! Plus they all seem to want an explanation which is getting so hard, I feel like screaming at them Im only bloody human but that wont help! I know it sounds daft, I will be ok waiting until Thurs but will def go in if the bleeding gets too much, like u guys say it may be the start but may not be the full on bleed for a few days, they didnt give us very much info yesterday, I think because the baby was only measuring 8 weeks they said give it a week incase of any change on the very small chance that our dates are very wrong, I know that there will be no change and this time it wasnt ment to be but I know if I just went ahead and booked in to lose it before scan I will always wonder what if.....hope im making sense! xx
twinkles, I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Exactly the same happened to me. I know you want to keep going and i totally appreciate that but please see if you can give some thought to freeing yourself up a bit next week. I had a medical management on the thursday, went back to work monday/tuesday and felt wrung out by wednesday and had to have a few days working from home. I can do that but but many people can't, I really couldn't have gone in, physically or emotionally. If you can give yourself an easier week next week please please try. Some work is a great distraction but I was amazed at how physically exhausting I found the whole thing, not least the trauma your body and heart go through!

I know we try and keep it to ourselves because this is such an intensely personal thing but I have found the more i talked about it, the more support I got and the more ok and it felt. Still incredibly sad but a little more hope when people told me their stories and many with happy endings (ie babies after mc). If you need to tell people, do and you might find a lot of support, but that is of course entirely your decision. MC is a very hidden issue and many people don't realise how common it still is, and how traumatic it is. big hugs
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I would tell your clients that you have had a family berevement and need some time off you hope they understand and you are too upset to discuss it further. I don't think that's unreassonable you need time and rest is there anyone of your friends who do beauty you could ask to send your.clients to on a temperature basis with the understanding they are returned to you after you feel well enough? X
Big hugs to you hun :hug:

Have yourself a hot water bottle handy incase you get bad pains. I hope you can get it all over with quickly. x
if you have to still work might be worth getting those stick on heat patches that warm up your belly for a few hours. I've used them a couple of times for bad periods xxx
now disco you tell me about those please as i get horrible period pains. what re those?
I'm so sorry for your loss sweetie, it happened to me i went for my 12 week scan om 25th Aug and was told the baby had no heartbeat, baby had died at 8 weeks, i had my ERPC last friday and i've had no bleeding or pain at all xx
My god girls thank you all so much for your support, I really hope u realise how much this is helping me!

I was away on hols last week so fully booked this week and next, Its next thurs and sat I will be in hosp so have the sunday off and going to keep the monday afternoon and eve free, I have had to put 2 clients in that morning but knowing I have the afternoon off will get me through it! I plan to work the Fri inbetween the tablets as for most of the day I have my sister inlaw booked in so I can work and have her support so not worried about that day its just after the second tablet on the sat I hope the following week will be back to normal, like I said I have the mon afternoon off but hoping from the tues I will be ok again......I wish times like this I was employed not self employed!

You girls are right about speaking about it, it def makes things easier, especially with clients, most of them I am very close to, I suppose its just a bit raw at the mo and every time I mention it I get very upset!

Thanks again my fairy god mothers!!!!xx
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Good luck with everything twinkles, wishing you a very speedy recovery - were in the same boat right now. xxxxxx
twinks just take it easy and if you have to cancel they really will understand. I bled for 10 days after my medical management and still lost clots and had bad cramps up to 3/4 days after the pessary and main mc on the thursday. Just be aware that yours could happen like this, unfortunately its not as cut and dried as they make out when they give you your options. whichever path you take it pretty much sounds like cramping and some bleeding can be expected for 10-14 days post mc. Hope yours is certainly at the shorter end of this if you have to work xxxxx
hey so sorry hun, i was at my 12 weeks scan and baby died at 10wk, i was booked for theatre for termination but miscarried naturaly last night, i was in severe pain dont try to fight it like i did for 2-3 hrs, go to a&e and let them help you, its not nice and scary too so I felt better knowing i was going to be ok. I only had bad pain for about 4-5 hrs then it was over, scan showed everything had gone so went home with painkillers, you just need to curl up and try and relax i find the more i move the worse my cramps get.

again hunny i am sory i know this hurts

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