Watch These Amazing Videos


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Hi ladies,

I thought you might like to watch a pretty amazing set of short films which are available on NOVA Online's website.

The set is made up of 8 short films (each running for 5-10 minutes) which you can watch right on your computer - there's no cost involved! They are beautifully made, and show so much about what happens even before conception, right through to the third trimester. The actual film titles as follows:-

  • Passing on Your DNA
  • The Egg's Journey
  • The Sperm's Journey
  • The First Two Weeks
  • The Embryo Takes Shape
  • Messages in the Genes
  • Feeding the Growing Fetus
  • The Third Trimester

If you would like to watch them now, then please click here.

I hope you enjoy them, I found them incredibly informative!

Best wishes,
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Beautiful ......I watched the whole video and it is amazing!

Its amazing!!! Thanks a lot. I've got a lot of iformation. Good Luck!!!
I love these!
Was sooooooooooooo informative!!
Will be getting DH to watch these too!!
I watched it this afternoon and boy it makes me wonder how we get pregnant at all !

Fantastic, thankyou. :D
watched video all way through, absolutely amazing.
very interesting and informative. thanks so much for sharing!
Nic x
Just to let those who live in the UK know, there's a program all about what happens in the womb when twins, triplets etc are developing, it looks very interesting with videos from inside the womb (using graphic technology i think) :)

It's on channel 4 at 9 pm this week (15-02-07).
:shock: wow, what an intresting video!!!

but.......all i could think of all the way through it was...... is it Tom Hanks narrating???? :lol:

Im sure it is y'know...!!!!
oh my word.... i even started huffin & puffing with her!!!! :rotfl:
Wonderful clips but shame she had such an audience and was on her back!!!
I'm just watching the videos now, I'm impressed as I'm profoundly deaf and need captions to watch tv. I thought, oh bet they won't have captions but looked anyway, and they have them! Thumbs up to them on that one :clap:
We're sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions. - Well, dangit.

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