Teachers TTC (but everyone's welcome)


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2007
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Just thought I'd start a new thread bc I saw so many teachers TTC in another thread. (Do we think there's a connection? :think: )
If you are a teacher, post what you teach and how long you've been teaching, and how long you've been TTC, and of course any other interesting facts you'd like to share. Good luck to everyone!

As for me:
What I teach - I teach 1st grade (6 yr olds) in the US - all subjects
How long teaching - This August will be my 3rd year
How long TTC - We will start TTC in September. Still currently preventing bc we want to TRY to time the baby for my summer months off next year. We're trying for a due date somewhere between May-July 2008.
Hi Babydream,
that's such a good idea
I am in my third year of teaching and I teach languages
Been TTC since may 07, just had my first true cycle after coming off the pill.
AF arrived today so am hoping for BFP next month.
BabyDreams said:
Just thought I'd start a new thread bc I saw so many teachers TTC in another thread. (Do we think there's a connection? :think: )

Cool!!, maybe it is tricky for teachers to get pg because of stress (it can be a stressful job in UK, not sure if elsewhere, but I imagine it would be.) But then again, many jobs have stresses and strains I suppose.

As for me:
What I teach - I teach Year 7 and 8 (11, 12, 13yr olds) in the UK - English, Maths, Science and ICT. I am a primary (3 - 11 years) teacher by way of training, I teach primary curriculum to children who are working 4 or 5 years behind their chronological age.
How long teaching - This August will be my 7th year. 4 years mainstream primary, 3 years Special Needs.
How long TTC - since May 2006. I have had two m/c so finding the TTC thing very hard and emotionally difficult. Hopefully, diagnosis of Thyroid problems recently will help :pray:

Good luck to everyone, teachers and non-teachers alike!
Well, since we may be the only 3...I have a question.
How does the schedule run in the UK for schools?
In the US, we teach from August to May...then off for almost 3 months in the summer. Some US schools have gone to year round schedules, but they are on for a month or two and take a few weeks off, then repeat that schedule for the whole year....seems kind of confusing. I'm glad I don't have to do that!
I'm not a teacher, but I am a teaching assistant and Lab technician, do I count??

I have been a lab tech for almost 4 years, I work in the chemistry dept of a private school. I started my assistant training at the same time, and have been qualified for 3 years now. I assist in any science classes with kids from 13-18 years old (and sometimes older due to international intake, one student last year was 21!!)
Hi :D

I'm a primary teacher in Ireland, have been teaching for 14 years, 12 years in the same school! :shock:

I have taught infants for at least 8 of that 12 year period, but I've also had some 7-8 year olds, 10 and 11 year olds and next year I'll have 9 and 10 year olds! I put my foot down and said that I'd like to take an older class before teaching infants for so long robbed me of the ability to frame a coherent sentence!

We've been married for 2 and a half years, and we have a one and a half year old daughter. We've been TTC this time for four months, and AF has just caught me three days late this month, which is unusual for me, so I can only assume that something happened and didn't stick!

That's me! Off to have something bold for brekkie (I'm entitled today!)

Hi guys

I trained to be a teacher , English and Drama for Secondary kids 11-18.

I then moved sideways into College and now help students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and autism as well as blind and deaf students. It is very rewarding but stressful.

We have been trying for a while now, I had a laporscopy in Jan 2005 to check for endometrius (sp) and they said one of my tubes was inflammed or in spasm, I then miscarried in March 2007, since May I have been TTC using CM but not temperature as yet, this forum has given me a real insight into my body and I love knowing i can get support for the two week dreaded wait, i did this all alone last time.

bye for now xx
Wow! Great to see so many other teachers. :wave: Yeah, I do tend to agree with Happybunny that teaching is stressful - no matter what you teach or where. Apparently though, stress at the school I teach at doesn't affect pregnancy. I've been teaching there for 2 years and so far 6 of my fellow teachers have been or are preggers! (Maybe I need to drink more from the water fountains at school!)
My mother-in-law works with special needs children, so I do understand what a challenge that is. Happybunny and Ginnymarie, it takes a special kind of teacher to do that - one with extra patience!
Anyone else teaching who's TTC a summer baby??? Or am I the only daft one who thinks we can control this sort of thing :rotfl:
Hi all,

I'm a teaching assistant (not quite a teacher sorry!!) who's TTC and i work with Year 9 students who are a nightmare :evil:. I've only been TTC for 2 months and i'm sure the stress of working in a secondary school must make it harder for some people.
Fingers crossed for every one!!!
Hi I'm a teacher...getting end of term germs already!
been teaching 10 years at same school, nice little village primary...taught everything from Y1 -6 but currently, year 5 & 6. Its ok...but i'm so ready to have a baby and leave for a good year or so...had enough really.
Getting married in 3 weeks and on month 3 of TTC...baby dust to all xxx
hi guys - as you can see from my ticker i have graduated from this section but i am a teacher as well . I teach History to 11-18yr olds in an all girls school. Just wanted to send you all this :hug:
Thanks Annie!!
I will definately save that hug for after a rough day at school!!!
Hi girls, i'm off school today... the little..loves...have given me a stinking head cold. Don't u just love working in a classroom full of 30 farting, burping, germy little bambinos!!!!! :rotfl:
Aww! Sorry to hear that Anna, at least yours are cute to look at though!!!!
True..although not when they projectile vomit over the book corner! :puke:
Hahaha. Baby puke...can't wait...10 year old puke...not so good! :lol:
In answer to your question Babydream... in UK we generally have 6 weeks off in summer. E nd of JUly to start of Sept... i know = i know...teachers blimmin holidays...but its not long enough for me!!!! :D
Thanks Anna!
We don't get much more of a break than you do. And they keep trying to legislate our summer break out of existence in the US :cry:
Don't they know that it's the only thing keeping us sane???
Hope you feel better Anna.

I'm off of summer school this week - will be relaxing a bit then going to get my classroom back into teaching order. (Everything was moved out so the room could be cleaned... :roll: ) I have to move the furniture back where I want it and get things ready for a new school year in August!!!
:cheer: Only 3 more days til the end of term though!!!
yey, only three more days until 6 weeks hols!!! :cheer: :cheer:

We get about 13 weeks hols in total...6 in July/August, 1 in October, 2 at Christmas, 1 in February, 2 at Easter and 1 at the end of May.

The holidays are a massive perk!! It is great that you have 6 or 7 week term before another break.

Teaching is such a great job though, I just love it...there is never a dull moment, I couldn't work in an office all day.
3 days!!! oooh i'm in the wrong school...i don't break up until next weds...boooo!!!!! :(

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