Talk to the bump!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Has anyone found that you try to have converstaions with people and your face has now become history :lol:

It's like I'm up here :wave: :rofl:

I wouldn't mind but mine isn't even a huge bump yet but clearly its noticeable! :D
Oh yes - they tend to pounce on me with their arms stretched and talking to the bump!!! OH has even started doing it too!!
Most people still address my face but they have all said 'god your bumps tiny' and blatantly stared at it! I feel like screaming at them as I'm about as big now with 16 weeks left as I was when I gave birth to DD so I feel HUUUUUUGGGEEEEE! X x mostly I have to redirect my OH to my face as i've gone from a b cup to a d cup!!!
I'm pretty sure its my bump and not my boobs :lol:
I haven't found it too bad although have wondered if men find me really attractive now I'm sporting a bump or just plain gopping! Try and cross the road and they stare!
I don't get out much now :( but went to a wee tesco metro the other day to get some milk and the girl serving me asked if I had just finished work? Erm, no I'm about to drop!! She was so shocked when I said no I'm pregnant and I only have about a week to go, but seriously, I was waddling and everything!!
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You're making me want a bump for people to talk to :lol:
Yodabo-I've noticed the amount of men that stare when I'm walking around! Is it just fascination or what?! My OH has really noticed too and thinks it's creepy x lol
Yeah it is creepy Helen! I told hubs about it and he said some men have a fetish for pregnant ladies :shock:
Yeap, People talk to the tum. And my mum compares me to other pregnant women.

I know they arent looking at my boobs though, Cause 1. They arent any bigger and 2. hormones gave me spots all underneath my collarbone, Its not to bad, just a bit red but still not attractive lol
I've found some people - family mostly, particularly MIL - have started saying hello to the bump before they say hello to me!! Admittedly it is massive and can't be missed but still, I'm right here!! Strangers stare at it too which I find most unnerving, they don't stare like 'awww that's nice' but more of an ice-cold stare that goes straight through me, I usually cough or something to get their attention then they look away embarrassed. It really weirds me out when people just stare!!!

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