Pregnant again after Miscarriage


Active Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I'm new to this forum.

In april I found out that I was pregnant (5weeks). Both myself and OH were shocked but very pleased as we had not planned to start trying. I confirmed the pregnancy with several home kits before taking a trip to the doctor. I couldn't get an appointment with the midwive for aleast another week. the only symptoms I had were, missed period, sore/tender breasts, and the odd twinge in my morning sickness at all! Within a week I started to get small cramps but I thought this was normal. Then a couple of days later I started to spot. I thought the worst but tried to get myself to believe it was implantation bleeding. Over night it got worse so I went to see the doctor first thing to be told there was no appointments! Almost in tears I told the women behind the desk my situation...was seen to straight away. he told me just to go home and see waht happens as he didn't want to put me through any unnecessary trips to the hospital. At the time I thought that was pretty harsh but later I had to agree that I prefered the comfort of my own home and support from my OH to that of a hospital. The miscarriage completed by itself so I didn't need any further examinations. went to see the midwive the next day and introduce myself. She was fantastic and listened to my story and advised waiting another month until after my next period.

After this miscarriage we both decided that we would try again. :)

Yesterday I took a test which was positive. I went through all the emotions, happiness, sadness, anxiety and disbelief that I had concieved so quickly. I really don't want it to happen again and would love this one to be a normal pregnancy. Again I only have sore breasts and missed period with the odd twinge in my abdomen. Like the first I haven't had any MS and know that this could be a sign of a future MC. The doctor said i have plenty of time still to get it.

I am really scared it will happen again.

Bye for now and thanks for reading this.
hi sally im so sorry for ur loss, but congrats on ur BFP this month.
I myself had a m/c in april i was 11 wks an 6 days, but didnt start spottin till i was in my 14th week, (i had scan at 10 wks 6 days an was told ide not need another, wish i had off) so it was a missed m/c. OH an i have been TTC ever since with no luck, i am hoping this is also my month but i will be terrified till i get to that all important 12 wks!

Good luck hun
Hi Sally,
Congratulations on your BFP! I'm sorry too to hear about your m/c but think positive this time!
No MS is not a sign of possible miscarriage. Some women don't ever get any sickness and some get it later in the first trimester so don't worry that you haven't got it.
Try and enjoy things (easier said than done, I know!).
Congrats again,
Hi Sally
Congrats on BFP, so sorry to hear about your m/c
A similar thing happened to me, but I hadnt had pregnancy confirmed-was due to test day I started bleeding heavily....fell pregnant immediately and I am now 13 weeks today

I have never had any MS, so this isnt a bad sign, you may be fortunate not to get it...

Good luck hunny, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months, we are all here with you :hug: xxxxx

Sorry about your mc and i hope this pregnancy goes better for you .
I never had any ms so not to worry and welcome to the forum :D
Hi Sally

Congrats on your BFP.

Really sorry about your previous miscarriage though.

You take it easy and think positive; I didn't have any MS, not everyone gets it (the lucky ones).

Take care and keep us informed :D

Thanks for all the kind wishes.

I still haven't had any m/s, just very tired and tender breasts. They were less tender over the weekend but have increased in tenderness now. I have also had a few twinges/pains over the last few days and this seemed to be the same at this time in my last pregnancy. I didn't know if this was normal last time or this time so i booked a scan at my local hospital.

I only had a hour to get there and drink water. Phoned other half and told him to get there asap.

Had my scan and everything seems to be ok just now. Baby is 4mm which is approx 6 weeks. I was glad to see the heartbeat. I know it is early days but it has made me feel slightly less worried. Which is good as my emotions have been up and down the past 2 weeks.
sorry nto hear bout your MC hun, but good luck with this pregnancy, i have not had any morning sickness at all so it is not a bad sign hugs to you sweetie :hug:
hi and congrates same happened to me i m/c and end of may and found out i was pregnant 2 weeks ago did the hospital say was 6 weeks cos i cant work out my dates could you help sally ?? wishing you loads of luck xx :pray: :pray:
Hi Charli,

I had worked it out myself before I went to the hospital but they also confirmed it when they measured the embryo on the scan.

Did you have a normal period after your m/c in May? If so take the pregnancy start date as the first day of your period. That's what I did (after my m/c i was advised to wait til after my fist period before trying again). If you got pregnant after your m/c without having a normal period, then it is more difficult to get a date and hospital would be able to tell you from doing a scan.

This site may help, if you know the date of your last period:

Hope this helps,
hi no i didnt have period inbetween fell pregnant straight away so cant work dates out :oops:
Hi Charli,

if you can ask to get an early scan and hopefully they will tell you how far gone you are. As you haven't had a period I would guess that you will be slightly further on than me depending on the length of your cycle.

Good luck with this pregnancy :)


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