
Rhino Horn

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
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I have to go an see the obstetrician today, I was wondering if anyone else has been to see one at this stage of their pregnancy?

I have to see them because of my high blood pressure and epilepsy - both controlled by tablets. I was wondering what sort of questions they ask or what they want to know so I can prepare myself in advance?

I know it's not going to be anything scary just wanted to know what might happen in the appointment?

Thanks ladies :)
i saw mine at 15 wks and will see her again at 28 wks and 34 wks and 38wks you get really fab care from them its because u are a higher risk pregnancy but they treat you so well there should be no probs xx
I know what you mean about being treated well!

It turned out I was not taking the recommended blood pressure tablets (despite me talking to my GP about it), so he changed them. He was quite shocked that my tablets hadn't been changed so he has done something about it now... possible side effect - jaundice! I have to go back to the hospital every day for the next few days to make sure my blood pressure is behaving.

I also got a surprise scan! Baby was very chilled out and hardly moved but the heart was beating away nicely so that was a brilliant way to end the appointment :)

Got to go back and see him in 2 weeks time, then next appointment will be at 24 weeks.

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