Is tightening, pulling and mild AF cramps usual? Concerned!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hello girls

I am 9 weeks pregnant and over the last couple of days I have had tugging, tightening and mild cramping in my abdomen. It goes from one side to the other at different times. My DH says it is my womb stretching but I am concerned just in case it is ectopic or something is not right. I am not in pain, it is just uncomfortable and feels tight......Can you suggest anything? Is it usual? I am a manic fusser, as you can see!
It's probably just stretching and growing pains, they can get really painful. You'd know if it were eptopic, I've heard it is unbearable. Try not to worry, although if it gets any worse just check with your doc or midwife.
Thanks Kim,

You have put my mind at rest...I have also just read that most ectopic pregnancies are detected between 6 and 8 weeks, but you never know. I am panicing and worrying over EVERYTHING! My mother says that my baby will end up being very stressed and edgy if I don't chill out!!!!
It's really hard, I was a complete nervous wreck for the first 12 weeks, until I had my scan I was convinced everything would go wrong. I'm much more relaxed now, and baby is fine, as will yours be. xx
Hi Julia!

I've had an ectopic pregnancy and the pain is like nothing I can describe!! There were no signs of ectopic for me in fact I didn't even know I was pregnant. When the pain started it was intense and fast, I buckled to my knees and was rushed to E.R. when they found out what it was it had already ruptured and was rushed in for surgery. If memory serves me correctly I believe everything from start to finish was about 12 hours give or take a few minutes. I have also been in labor for almost 24 hours with no drugs and I could handle that pain over the ectopic pain any day of the week!! :shock: I would say that what your having is definately due to uterus stretching completely normal!! :D I know how you feel tho, once you have an 1 ectopic you are more likely to have another, I was actually told that due to the severity of my ectopic, that I could no longer have any children!! :shock: HA! Yeah right! I some how got pregnant! :D But was very nervous they had me in early and everthing is fine! Thank god! :D Try not to worry, I know easier said then done but it would be best for you and the baby to not worry to much.

We are always here to talk to!

xoxo Ree

P.S. WOW! Sorry about writing the book I just realized how much I wrote! :oops:
I too have had this and i asked my specialist about it. She said it was very normal and a good sign that your uterus is stretching and the baby growing.

Only if the pain is crippling should you phone someone.

You are fine honey :D
It is so lovely to receive such reassuring replies - I don't know what I would do without this forum! Today, I have had no uncomfortable feelings at all and don't actually feel pregnant - I can't win can I? Just want my little bun to be okay - can't wait for scan!!!!! I have these terrible thoughts that the baby will have died or it won't be there when they scan me........does everyone feel like this? What are the chances of anything happening to my little bun (no cramping or bleeding)....
I think whoever you ask on this forum you will get the same response, EVERYONE is scared that when they get there for the scan there will be nothing there or their little bean has passed away, but the chances are small, 99% of us post back after the scan saying I don't know why I was worrying, everything is fine. I know it's hard but try to stay positive, the odds are stacked for you not against you :D
Thanks Kim

I know I will probably wonder what I was worried about after the scan. I suppose I am just trying not to build my hopes up too much and get too much into this pregnancy just incase I am hurt again (m/c at 6 weeks before)......I will take it alot harder than the first disappointment. One I handled incredibly well (according to friends and family), two will be a different story.

Thanks for your reassuring words - you are right, not many people write in to say that the worst has happened.....
Hi Girls

When I joined this forum about 9 weeks ago I had just found out I was pregnant - and I was just like you for worrying and still am!!!!! But to reassure you I had cramping pains and it is everything stretching to fit (its the only reason I found out I was pregant - I was waiting for my period to happen any minute because it felt just like that!) - read some of my old posts - you will see how worried I was!!

I also had bleeding (red and brown which on and off lasted a couple ofweeks) and it is so worrying but everyone on here really helped and got me through the days waiting for my scans (had 3 in total) I am now 14 weeks - and still worried, but all the nasty pains and bleeding have stopped and am now waiting for my next scan at 19 weeks!!!

If your worried just come on here - we are all here to give support and advice if we can.

Good luck

L x
For the last couple of days I have been feeling the same. Feels like I've been doing lots of situps and the all day sickness really doesnt help. Just feel fed up, uncomfortable, achy/stretchy and bloated...what a combination!!!

Just wish the nausea would subside cos its really getting me down, due to an operation 2 years ago for acid reflux I cannot physically throw up just heave badly which causes my stomach/sphincter valve to twist which makes matters worse.

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