Implantation bleed?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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This happened 2 days ago. Could this be an implantation bleed?

Could be, but I would say not likely. I would test today or tomorrow. I think they say test 2-3 days after implantation. Has it stopped? Where are you in your cycle?
I'm 70 days late today. Last test 2 weeks ago, BFN.
Very unusual for me to be so late.
GP did bloods, my androfen and oestrogen levels all normal, I'm not in the monopause etc. Complete mystery.
Yes it has stopped. This is the most I had when I wiped. The next time I went to the toilet, I had a smaller amount of the same, then nothing.

Had some cramping today, very minimal though. Normally my cramping can be intermittently painful. This is more if a dull ache, intermittent.
Yes it has stopped. This is the most I had when I wiped. The next time I went to the toilet, I had a smaller amount of the same, then nothing.

Had some cramping today, very minimal though. Normally my cramping can be intermittently painful. This is more if a dull ache, intermittent.
Wow, is definitely say you should have a positive. There is that other effect we’re the hcg is too high to test and comes up as negative. Have you been testing a lot early as well? Sounds like gp ruled pregnancy out. Hmmm Are you under high stress? Do you know when you ovulated? That will help you calculate things better.
GP did do a pregnancy blood test too, but I was only 35 days late at that point.
Hubby and I have continued TTC.

I've no idea when I ovulated. It's not something I (foolishly) kept an eye on.

I think I'll wait this week out and test again at the end of the week of my period hasn't shown.

Stress, a little but nothing that I'd warrant being this late.

Having this discharge the other day is literally the only thing that has given me any sign that my period is due or something is going on. Normally I'm a heavy bleeder. This isn't something I recall having before, so found it a bit unsettling. I've been doing a little research and thought it may be am implantation bleed. Not convinced, but not ruling it out either. Its all quite bizarre!
I haven't tested a lot if I'm honest. Not daily. Once every couple of weeks. But then I've not for a little while as I found it quite disheartening, then worrying that there is something else wrong because of my period disappearing! Viscous circle isn't it!

I'll try a first urine of the day test at the end of the week if nothing happens on the meantime.

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