Which brand formula milk do you give your little one?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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I mix feed Talia breast and formula and currently use Aptimal Follow on. Just curious to which brand milk everyone else gives to their LO and If there is a particular reason for giving this type/brand. I give her aptamil as its 'apparently' the closest thing to breast milk, though i do find its a bit more expensive then the others.

Thanks xxxx
Sam has Cow and Gate Hungry baby formula. We started out on Aptamil but it made him really constipated so switched to Cow and Gate and he has been fine since.
I was using HIPP as I was breastfeeding too and had heard it was the closest to breaskmilk.

When I had to switch to formula feeding I stayed with Aptimal but recently changed to HIPP as its cheaper and Finlay was being sick a lot and I thought it might have been the milk

I'm not planning on going onto follow on milk. Just staying with the one we are using.
I use Aptamil Comfort and he seems to be fine on that. I heard from a doctor that Aptamil is closest to breastmilk so we are on that at the moment :)
he was on HIPP stage 1 but we use cow and gate stage 2 and he didnt agree with hipp stage 2 , plus his reflux is so much better on this one
sma....it's what they started him off in hosp with :D
Was using Aptimal ready made cartons when he was only having one bottle a day. Since we've gone onto 2/3 bottles I bought HIPP Organic, simply because we eat organic whenever possible so want to do the same for Sam. His poos were frequent and smelly so tried Aptimal as had heard good things about it. He hardly poo's with Aptimal which I'm not sure is a good ro bad thing, so have gone back to HIPP for now.

L x
Cow and Gate or Hipp. We get on with either so it just depends which shop we're in at the time.

Came off SMA as it gave him a bit constipation, and I just didnt like the look of the others.
We started on SMA moved to C&G as she was constipated, this had the opposite effect and then some! So we changed back to SMA and she has been fine ever since. I was told that Aptamil and C&G are the same formula exactly just by different companies. We aren't on follow on milk and have no plans to change (I think it is a con to get round the advertising ban, but that is a different story! :rotfl: )
Aptimal for us..............why?

Because of the cute wee bear!

Crap reason - I know! But true!

Kim x x x x
Hipp organic!..... because i heard good things about it on here! :D Recently started mix feeding (10am & 10pm now formula, others are boobie!)
Im a cow and gate fan and have had no feeding problems when it came to both of my children. No nasty poos, nothing.

Every milk though they make is meant to be closest to breastmilk, so dont be fooled! At the end of the day they just want your money.
i started mixing BF with FF after 6 months- the first one i tried was sma gold, but i also tried aptimil, cow&gate, farleys, and hipp organic.

hipp was my favourite, when i quit BF totally at 8 months i used hipp follow-on until she was nearly 1 and onto cows' milk.

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