Toiletries and medicines


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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Hey ladies, I’m expecting our first baby in a couple of months and I think I’m entering that nesting phase as I’m trying to get all my ducks in a row.

I see lots of ladies have baskets of toiletries/medicines etc near their baby changing table/bathroom. Please can you tell me what you have in yours or what medical supplies/medicines, toiletries, creams etc it is essential for me to have for when the baby arrives? I’d hate to be needing something in the middle of the night and not have it!

thank you xx
On our daughters toiletries shelf by her change table we have:

- paracetamol
- thermometer
- neurofen
- nappy rash cream
- baby vapor rub
- cradle cap cream (I wouldn't get this before giving birth though as not every baby has it)
- baby moisturiser
- baby oil (for baby massage, don't really use this anymore)
- baby shampoo
- baby body wash
- hair brush
- nail clippers
- ten face cloths
- nasal aspirator
- baby saline spray
- spare toothbrush (her main one is in our bathroom now, we got one when she was born though as you can't predict when they'll get a tooth!)
- spare dummy

I think that's all. Most of this was useful from birth so I hope that helps :)
When we were bf I also had nipple cream there as it was within easy reach!
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You probably wont need much more than wipes and some nappy rash preventative in the first few weeks (or maybe even months!) We have an 18 month old and I'm expecting again so I'm getting together the stuff weve used regular for the first in preparation and our list includes:

Aveeno Baby Moisturiser (our first has eczema and it's the only one that doesnt irritate his skin)
Bedtime bath (supermarket own brand)
Bedtime shampoo (supermarket own brand)
Baby toothpaste and brush
Saline spray (for blocked noses)
Ashton & Parsons teething powder
Snuffe babes vapour oil (to put on damp cloth on radiator)
Shuffle babes vaporub (baby vicks for their feet)

Nail scissors were a must from week 1 too, they grow so fast!
A thermometer

I think that's about it for us. Most of the above toiletries can be picked up in aldi too, save paying crazy pharmacy prices!

Weve never found any use for talc or baby oil, although olive oil is great for their skin when they are newborn and it starts to dry out!
I just kept it really simple with the toiletries and got a bottle of aveeno baby hair and body wash, I had nappy rash cream/barrier cream, the aveeno and the burts bees one - I’ve actually never once needed to use them as she’s never had rash, the only things I will use on her bum is water wipes or warm water and cotton wool, avoid getting the cheap fragranced wipes they can irritate the skin, look for ones which say 99% water - boots do their own version which are cheaper then water wipes, I also don’t wipe her if it’s just a wet nappy, it just makes their skin wetter and more prone to getting a rash, I also have some nappy sacks, some nappy’s, a baby hair brush as my daughter has loads of hair, nail scissors and clippers, a bottle of calpol and calprofen, some spare syringes for giving medicine orally, if your baby is going to have a dummy some spare dummy’s, also a pack of wipes for your own hands and a little bottle of hand sanitiser incase you are dealing with a nappy and it gets messy! You can’t always run to the bathroom immediately to wash your hands!
Wow lots of things I hadn’t even thought of, some really good lists thank you x
I only have nappies, inotyol cream, cleansing water and cream with cotton pads. I don't have a changing table as I didn't want one in the living room, we just have the pillow. Everything else like the Calpol, thermometer, extra clothing etc. are in the cupboard under the pillow. I don't like clutter lol x
I only have nappies, inotyol cream, cleansing water and cream with cotton pads. I don't have a changing table as I didn't want one in the living room, we just have the pillow. Everything else like the Calpol, thermometer, extra clothing etc. are in the cupboard under the pillow. I don't like clutter lol x

ahh good plan, with two dogs I doubt I’ll be able to change baby on the floor as they will try to get in the stinky nappy!
I kept it very simple. Early weeks they say cotton wool and water only and not to bath until the cord drops off so that's what I did. After that I used the sensitive wipes and aveeno wash and cream which I still use now.

Nail clippers I used from very early. I used olive oil for cradle cap and a baby brush and comb but not all babies get cradle cap. Still use the comb as my boy has always had loads of hair! Toothbrush and toothpaste once they get teeth. My boy was early with teeth so we used from 5 months. Sudocrem for nappy rash but really I didn't use this until teething and properly on solids.

Thermometer as already mentioned. Calpol can be given from 2 months and ibuprofen from 3 months. We only used Calpol in his first year as we were very lucky with not too many bugs etc. Different story after starting nursery and molar teething!

I would start with the basics and get to know your baby. What one person swears by another one hates! Also you will get loads of toiletries as gifts. I'm still working through them and LO is 14 months now!!
Oh and not what you asked but make sure you have a stock of paracetamol and ibuprofen for you. I don't think I had to send OH out urgently for anything for baby but painkillers for me he did have to go and get.
Oh and not what you asked but make sure you have a stock of paracetamol and ibuprofen for you. I don't think I had to send OH out urgently for anything for baby but painkillers for me he did have to go and get.

that’s a good point, hadn’t even thought about stocking up for me!
My baby is 10 weeks old and the only essential things I’ve found apart from the obvious nappies, wipes and cream are
Cotton wool balls (for baby’s bath when newborn)
Flannels for when they are bigger in the bath
Child’s farm body/hair wash and moisturiser
Baby oil for baby massage (especially useful if baby has issues going the loo)
Sailine nasal spray (our baby got a cold) and there is a device you can buy that basically sucks the mucas from their nose but not sure what it’s called
Digital thermometer

Babies don’t really have any medicines until their 3 months and the doctor will give you anything if it’s needed so I’d just stick to basics
Oh and not what you asked but make sure you have a stock of paracetamol and ibuprofen for you. I don't think I had to send OH out urgently for anything for baby but painkillers for me he did have to go and get.
I second this. Get ALOT.

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