soon to be single mum :(


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2016
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so I have 2 children from previous relationships my oh has a daughter from a one night stand. we have been together for 18 months. he knows I've wanted a baby with him for a while. I asked in January and he said he wasn't ready so I left it till august when he said I could come off the pill so I did I never hid the fact I thought we were trying I showed him the vitamins I was taking etc. when I found out I was pregnant he went completely off the rails telling everyone I tricked him into it basically. he told me he wanted to use condoms till he was ready to try but this was never mentioned to me. he packed up a bag and left today said we need time apart to decide what we want. him and his mum have said i chose the baby over him. we can't work past this no matter what time we have apart he still won't want the baby :( so now I'll be a single mum to 3 children. he's also upset I won't move to be closer to his friends and family but I don't want to pull my children out of their school
Good for you... Children come first and frankly he does not deserve any of them! All he is thinking about is his self!! If he grew some balls and faced up to his responsibilities he would not be packing a bag he would be sitting down and working on your relationship for the sake of his children!!! You are better off without him and you deserve much better and so do the kids!!! Some people can't have children or really struggle so I feel his attitude towards the baby and his children is apauling!

My friend recently split with her hubby and is now a single parent to 3 children and is training to be a midwife!! It's tough but she is doing it and is much happier!

You can do this, the most important thing is a happy upbringing for your family

Have u got a good support network?

This must be really tough Hun regardless of how he has been so sending big hugs of strength, u seem a strong person from what little j know of u so I think u can do this just have faith in you xx
thanks hun that's what I said that millions of people would love to be in his position with a baby on the way that can't have children and even after seeing that innocent baby on the scan he still doesn't want it. said I've taken away the joy of him being a dad again and enjoying the pregnancy!

I've got a couple of close friends and my mum but my boys keep me going to be honest. I haven't heard from him and I haven't told him when the next scan is.

just going to carry on with my life I've seen a nice house near my boys school that I went to see yesterday and she is coming to see mine tomorrow and if he doesn't want to live there then it's tough lol
You can do it lovely. It's better to have one stable parent rather than 2 who are not happy together.
Why on earth does he think you would want to move closer to his family and friends when they are not even nice or supportive towards you. He sounds very selfish and you will be better off away from the negativity of his family too xx
thanks girls I haven't heard from him since yesterday x
What an awful person to make you feel like you 'tricked' him! Sounds like a form of mental abuse to make you feel like that! Well done you for standing your ground! You will be absolutely fine and your boys and this new baby will make such a lovely family! Stay close to your family and friends, they will help you trough it all but I don't think you need it, you sounds like a very strong, determined mummy! You can do this!! X

thankyou staying strong for my boys and this little one. stress doesn't anyone any good so trying to stay calm. I doubt I'll hear from him to be honest he's probably run off with this girl from work that he messages everyday. he's turned all his family and friends against me and I'm not having it anymore
I am sure it is better he went away. It would be a horror to live with such man. You shouldn't be upset that all his friends and his family are against you. You have three amazing babies. These three are your family and best support! Of course, now it will be difficult, but in future, you will be rewarded with the love of your babes.

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