

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Are routines really that important? We've never been too strict with one since Ryan was born but lately I've been getting myself stressed cos he feeds every 2-3 hours and I was worried that was too often. He drinks less in one feed than most babies of his age but when you even it out he takes roughly the right amount in 24 hours and he's gaining weight.

Then at the weekend OH's dad told me just to feed Ryan when he wants feeding and let him sleep when he wants. I took his advice and Im so much happier. His feeding isn't in a pattern (except on a night when he'll wake at 3am and 7am) but Im not going to force it onto him. Hopefully he'll fall into his own routine eventually. Now I feel as though I can enjoy him while he's tiny instead of worrying about him :)
id say go with whatever is easiest for you. Seems like what you are doin now is making you happier.
At Ryans age i started giving Evie set feed times. From the very day i started doin that she slept though the night (10.30pm-8am) and has never woken up for a night feed since. Also it was much easier for us as we could plan how many feeds to take with us if we were out during the day.
When it comes to sleep, i just let her sleep whenever she wants, but i will wake her up for a feed if she is sleeping (but that very very rarely happens).
Dont put any pressure on yourself for a routine, Ryan is still really young and may not take to one and that will stress both you and him out. :hug: :D
I would say it depends on you too.

Willow was put into a routine because i was giong back to work and Conal was put into one to fit in with Willow, if what he is doing fits in with you let him crack on :D

We only have a bedtime routine for Libby, in the day she feeds when she's hungry & sleeps when she's tired.
We've decided to let her settle into her own daytime routine, which she is just about doing now.
As L*R said, whatever is easiest for you, if you are happier & more relaxed, then he'll know that you're happier and feel happier too :hug:
I am the same as Emmy with Dylan..i Started his bedtime routine much later than the other girls though as i didn't think he was ready . i just tried to teach him day from night ...

Follow your instincts on what works for you all as a family
The only routine we have is Thea's bedtime routine. Its not at a set time either its just the order of things that doesnt change.

Thea has always fed on demand and its made life easier for us hun. You go with what works for you and your family. :hug:
I demand fed Brody, and eventually he found his own routine :)
Some babies respond well to routines and some just don't. If he's happier like this then that's great :)
Ditto. alice found her own routine and we fit around it :)

i personally dislike strict routines, because i worry when the day changes (staying round familys houses, that kinda thing).
I have always demand fed Dan and it seems to have worked out quite well. He's been sleeping through from about 4.5 months and can sleep in until anything up to 11.30am. He's a sleepy lil bugger!
Misslarue said:
I have always demand fed Dan and it seems to have worked out quite well. He's been sleeping through from about 4.5 months and can sleep in until anything up to 11.30am. He's a sleepy lil bugger!

Awwwwwwwwww look at Dan in your sig!! He's so cute! :D
Isaac is just like your Ryan Kirsty, I think he's made his own rutine and I'm happy to let him lead, he's still so little, and if he's happy it makes it easier for me to be happy too :hug:
i feed on demand and let millie sleep whenever she wants. and we are both happy so i'll keep things this way! she is starting to make her own routine tho, particularly at nite.
I really want to get into a routine as i feel so all over the place atm, problem is i dont have as much time to spend putting one in place. Im beginning to worry about it now & its stressing me out.
Iv heard its never to early to start a routine... i dont want anything that strict but i want to put a bedtime routine in for Freya asap.... how soon can you do this ?
I started Ellie on a routine from day 1. I decided on a start and end time of the day (my case 7:30 to 7:30 as hubby often doesn't get home until 7 and leaves work before 7 in the morning). I fed Ellie every 3 hours (unless she demanded it earlier) starting at 7:30, when I got her up in the morning. After feeding her I played with her actively for at least 15mins before letting her sleep (in the first few weeks she was very sleepy, later on this was a much longer period). I gave her a nappy change before every feed (unless she demanded a feed sooner then the 3 hrs), and when she had a dirty nappy. I always woke her for her feeds during the day. At night I fed her every 4 hrs in the first 2 weeks. I then stopped waking her for the 3:30am feed, and let her wake me when she wanted it. I didn't give her a nappy change before that feed after then. Feel free to PM if you want any more details etc.
ryan sounds exactly like my hannah...
shes almost 3 months and is slowing down feeding wise, but VERY slowly.
every day is different with Hannah, yesterday she ate like crazy but did not sleep for 13 hours.... then hit the sack and slept for almost 8hrs. I doubt that will happen again today as shes been asleep this afternoon for a while.

im just relaxing and enjoying her for now, maybe focus more on routines when shes 6 months.

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