Not interested in solids.. any advice..please...!

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Lara is now 7 months old and due to her milk intolerance we weren't allowed to wean her until 6 months ... started her off on baby rice etc and then veggie / fruit purees and she was ok some days and not others.. she just does not seem to like anything we give her. The only thing she seems to like is pear!!

I am finding it so frustrating and so upsetting - I make all the purees at home and try so hard to make it fun and interesting but she just cries and cries until she gets her milk! I spend up to an hour sometimes trying to get her to eat anything.. its doing my head in!!!!!

Any ideas anyone? I really want her to enjoy her food so we can move on and introduce more things...

Have you tried givig her the bottle and then about 30 mins to an hour later just trying her with some solids after that? I haven't weaned Nicola yet she is 5 months, I am cautious to do so because she has atopic eczema and I am supposed to wait til she is 6 months - don't think she will hold out though.

Let us know how you get on

I know how you feel, Stanley is much the same.

I've been re-assured by reading that babies have to taste something an average of 14 times before getting used to it and their milk will provide all their nutritional needs until 12 months, this time is all about introducing new tastes.

So don't sweat about Lara missing out, just stick with it and offer her various foods, you'll both get there. Stanley only accepts banana and pear at the moment but we keep tryng!

Good luck and keep us posted :D
I wouldn't try to make to big a deal of it or your LO may pick up on your anxiety and god forbide it turns the whole weaning process into a nightmare. Like Minxy said just try and offer her something every day - maybe sit in front of her eating it and if she reaches for it let her try? Or how about mixing pear with something? Have you looked at Baby Led Weaning sites, as Laura is already 7 months you may just want to skip the purees and go straight to solids,
There are some posts on the forum about it but not sure where to find them so try the site above.
Don't stress hun let Laura just take it as it comes, she'll get there eventually.
Awww I would just make sure she's not too hungry and give her a 5 minute taste of something. If you are anxious it will make her anxious and she will not have a postive eating experience, which may put her off next time.

Try to relax and if she doesn't want it, chuck it away and try again later :)
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Can't offer much advice but can sympathise. I started weaning Ellie early (at 4months) and she loved it to start with. Then when we got to 6months and I felt happy to increase the range of foods and amounts, she suddenly went off her solid food. She has been like this until a few days ago and she suddenly has her appetite back for solid foods. :cheer: .

I don't know if I am right or not - but I wouldn't let Ellie get upset. Once she stopped taking the food and said she had had enough (despite only having 2 mouthfuls) I would not push her too much, just give her some water, maybe try offering her sweat, and then clear up and wait until the next meal.

She did seem happiest when she could feed herself. Finger foods, putting the spoon in her own mouth etc. Will that help?
Arianna loves her food, but it has to be either completely smooth or something she can pick up and chew herself.... if its a lumpy puree she will not even open her mouth.

If she is 6mths I'd try giving her some finger foods so she can try herself.
Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions.. its comforting to know that I am not the only mum with a fussy eater!! I will keep trying but am now only giving her cereal and some banana or pear after her milk in am and baby rice and fruit at 5pm as these are the two times she actually eats a little.. I give her rice cakes and pieces of banana to chew on at random times during day and she enjoys those although more the experience and playing with them than the taste methinks!!

Anyway thanks again and I will try to relax.. I know the milk is enough as she is still sleeping through the night OK and is still bonny and chirpy all day.. just wants to go at her pace I guess!!

And I have to remind myself that I was a nightmare feeder.. my mum told me I used to tip my food on my head or throw it on the food.. especially veggies so I guess I know where Lara gets her fussiness from!! :shock:

Hi Anna Marie, as you know Leorah also has a milk intolerance so I have looked ino this subject at depth and not all babies are ready for weaning at 6 months and some only really get interested near a year. Leorah will chew on a piece of cold fruit while teething but apart from that she shows no interest and I have decided to do BLW and skip the purees and trust that she knows best when she's ready for solids.

Definitely check out some BLW sites, the babies who are weaned this way often play with their food and then suddenly get the hang of it and start to eat much more :)
Thanks Skatty I will check out some BLW sites and skip the purees for now.. it seems rather random with Lara.. some mornings she loves her cereal and fruit puree but others she will have a fit.

Lunchtime today she threw an absolute tizzy.. never seen her like that before.. she was enjoying a piece of toast after seeing me eat some and when I gave her some water she was fine too but then 10 mins later she just went beserk and threw it all on floor.. only thing that calmed her was her milk!! I would love to try some more finger foods but it is just so upsetting when she gets so worked up and it can take so much time just trying to get her to have one teaspoon of anything.

I am feeling rather exasperated and exhausted by it all.


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