Normal hormones or depression?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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I keep feeling like I will burst into tears at everything and I feel so upset all the time. I have tried to talk to the midwife once before about it but all she said that she doesn't deal with depression and offered me no help as to if it was that or if it was normal. Surprise surprise, I left there in tears and haven't mentioned it again.

I suffered bad depression a few years ago and really don't want to go there again. Are there any signs I can look out for that can help me distinguish hormones from depression?
i think that everyone who is pregnant feels some hormonal activity, i burst into tears at things that wouldnt normally upset me but im definatly not depressed, are you also expieirinacing other emotions such as happineess and joy, if normally say about getting up but us preggers ladies seem to be uber tiered too, its obviously a big concern for you, but i think you need to determine how you feel during depression you often feel very deeply unhappy with life in general where as hormones will just make your emotions a bit of a roller coaster usually making thigs better or worse than they actually are. hope this helps hun, are you getting other "depression" symptoms? x
Big :hug: that you're feeling down hun! I'm struggling with my depression at the moment as well so know how you feel. I think my problems are mainly due to hormones making things seem worse than they are and then that setting of a downer. I don't have much in the way of advice sorry hun but if you ever feel like you need to just offload then feel free to pm me whenever, I've been told I'm a dab hand at cheering people up :) which in turn cheers me up. Hope you feel better soon :hug: xx
Thanks for the reply. I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and had hormones hit me in the first trimester. Sat and cried for 4hrs straight one day. I am just a little worried this time round (started last week or so) as when I get all emotional, I can't seem to see the end of it.

To be honest, I was so far into my depression in the past that I can't remember how I felt when I was going through it. Now I feel unhappy and lonely a lot, but I dont know if it is cause of this or that fact that my family and friends are so far away and I don't have anyone to talk to or even just catch up with and take my mind off things. I think I shall have to start taking notes about how I feel when I get upset to see if there is any links or if I'm just a blubbering fool.

Just knowing that there is someone else going through the feelings and is there for me is help enough Danti. Thank you
:hugs: not sure what to say hunni altho your midwife dont sound too helpful, i would guess its normal, my hormones raging now but im the opp to you im so bloody angry all the time!!

Really hope you feel better soon xxx
hi im only at the very beggining of preg but if you did want someone to ring and offload to id happily pm you my number and if im not free to talk at time you rang could always recieve a tx or ring you back as soon as possible? not ever suffered depression myself but more than happy to be a shoulder to listen .xx
I get this, today I was hungry and didn't know what to eat so I sat there crying like it's the end of the world. It happens alot in pregnancy over little things. One minute you will feel happy and excited about everything and then little things will get you down. :(
You poor thing. First stop for u is rhe doctors. Make sure you go and see a good one. I have suffered from depression before . When i was pregnant ( now 8 months old) at around the 26 week mark i had a reaccurance if my anxiety. Made my me have ocd badly. So much so that i paniced getting out if bed. I think at this time of ur pregnancy u start to realise this is happening. Its all very scarey. Hormones will everywhere and any mental problems will start to flare up. I highly recommend seeing someine to help u through this time. I went to a private cbt specalist and he helped lots. Anyway go see the doc first. If he is rubbish try another one. For me the issues were there after the birth too so get it sorted now . U take care if yourself x x x x x x
Thank you everyone for your help and replies. I have been really scratching my head and trying to work out and remember when I have felt happy and how long those feelings lasted and such.

I have made an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday to see if he can help as I am really scared that it is in fact my depression back. So until then, I will just keep trying to figure it out myself and hope he doesn't think I'm a complete weirdo for not knowing my own body.
I know exactly how you feel, i suffered with depression for years and i've been so emotional whilst being pregnant and have struggled to find the difference sometimes. Rather than speak to your midwife i'd get yourself to the docs and explain how you've been feeling. Just concentrate on you and baba, make sure you take plenty of time out to relax. And your in the right place for support :)
So went to the docs and turns out I do have depression, not what I wanted to hear.

Been given meds to help and even though he showed me a facts sheet on studies done with the meds and pregnancy, I am still so worried about taking them in case they do harm the baby in some way. I know I need them, but I really don't want to do or take anything that has the slightest risk of hurting her.

I so don't know what to do.

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