How long should I wait?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I had a second miscarriage on Dec 5, 07 due to a blighted ovum. On Jan 14 (3rd day of AF) went to see my doc as he advices and was told that my uterus wasnt clean and that there were remants from the sac. I had Suction and curettage right there with no aneasthecia... I died!

Did another ultrasound and thank God I was clean. I went to see my doc after bleeding stopped to see if I am ok, he told me that we should have protection for 2 months and then see him bec he wants to put me on clomid.. I was surprised bec I actually ovulate and both times i conceived after the second cycle was gone.

I am scared that clomids ruins my body and me and DH talked about trying after this coming AF.

Did anyone tried after first af?
Yes i did, as you can see from below i lost twins in september and after my d&c and the bleeding had stopped we started trying straight away. As you can also see it worked and i believe that it happened so quick because we did try again straight away.

Some people chose to wait 3 cycles before trying again, which is what we was going to do but im so glad we didn't now.

Good Luck hun xxx
I also had m/c at 6 weeks in November and we started again just 2 weeks later and got caught straight away. If you feel ready and your body is recovered then I say go for it. Your body won't do anything until it's ready so if it's not the right time then it won't work anyway and you might have to wait a month or two. But what's the harm in trying? If you are ready and got the green light that all is clear then get started! Generally I think docs like you to wait a couple of cycles just for ease of dating the pregnany when you get caught, which is a bit unnecessary if you ask me. As long as you are physically and mentally ready to try again then that's all you need. Good luck!!
Thanks girls for ur stories. I feel relaxed now. Lets just hope I conceive on the first try!! I am gona let first AF come, and then we are in! :pray: :pray:
i had a mc in oct, and waited till my first af before i tried again and caught the egg that cycle!

i lost that baby though :( but i didn't wait until my first af this time, and i got caught straight away :)
I was glad to see this thread, as we are thinking of trying straight away too! I know I should maybe wait...but I just cant!

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