have to stop ttc :-(


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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this is the worst day, had results back from smear, and they have found abnormal stuff have to go in to hospital to have a colposcopy, really scared, has anyone else had this done, also have been ttc so what if i am preganant, what if they find something really bad!!!!!!!! im so upset :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
awww hun big hugs to you try not to worry a friend of mine had one of these done and 2 months later fell pg with her son and now 3 years later just had twins make sure you tell them you are ttc
wishing you all the best xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Amy

First of all DO NOT PANIC!!!! - An abnormal or positive smear result does not mean you have cancer.

It means you have some changes in your cervical cells that need to be looked at more closely. Abnormal changes (also called dysplasia or dyskaryosis) may be mild, moderate or severe. Most mild changes will go back to normal on their own, but if your changes are moderate or severe, you may need treatment.

I had CIN III (cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia) changes, which meant the changes were severe and the full thickness of my cervical skin was affected. I had a Colposcopy. There was an abnormal area of cells seen - They were burnt away and a biopsy taken - I've not required any further treatment since and that was 4 years ago. Every smear test I have had since has come back clear.

As far as TTC is concerned, it's advisable that you put on hold until you have had your biopsy.
If you are pregnant already, a Colposcopy is safe during pregnancy but biopsy and treatment, if necessary, are usually postponed until after the baby is born. Abnormal cells will not affect your pregnancy, birth or the health of your baby. Most mild changes will go back to normal on their own and even moderate changes are unlikely to progress to cancer in nine months’ time.

The actual procedure involves having a speculum inserted into your vagina (just the same as when you had your smear test taken). They then look at your cervix with an instrument called a colposcope. This is really like a large magnifying glass, with a light source attached to it. It looks like a pair of binoculars on a stand. The colposcope does not touch you and certainly does not go inside you.

During the examination, they will clean the cervix with sterile fluid and then look carefully at the tissues with the colposcope. They may also take a biopsy of anything that looks abnormal. This involves taking away a small piece of tissue and if this is needed they will use a local anaesthetic so you wont feel anything. I just found it all slightly uncomfortable and somewhat embarrassing when I had a bunch of students peering in from round the screen! :oops:

I'm sure everything will be fine - Please try not to worry!
I can't offer any advise or experience on this but sending you my thoughts & a *hug* x
thanks racheal, god that really helps, feel loads loads better, ive been upset all day, how long do is take for results to come back. thank you everyone else for your replies, xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gosh Amy I really can't remember how long I waited for my results, I think it was a few weeks. I don't remember waiting very long. In my area, the longer you wait for results the better - It means nothing too severe has been found and they havn't rushed your results out because no treatment is required.

anyway - I'm sure everything will be fine!
sorry to hear this amy am thinking of you. :pray: :pray:
Wishing you all the BEST Amy, try not to worry babe!!!! (I know easier said than done).


Tam x
I have had similar changes down there, although they haven't yet asked me to go for a colposcopy! Just advising me to not get PG and to have a smear every 6 months. Next one due in oct! I'm still cracking on with ttc though cause at the rate I'm going I could be waiting forever anyway! Have they given you a date for the colposcopy?

Wishing you every bit of luck!
making an appointment monday, you have to book it between 11-2 when i got letter friday it was to late to make appointment :roll: still worried cant help it, i just want it to be over and done with, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
will be thinking of you amy hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
thank you, ive been feeling really dodgy for the past few months, bowels, sicky etc...... you know when you have worst case scenario going through your head, just going to stay positive, might just be a few abnormal cells that need treatment, will let you know when i get my appointment through. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi just to say my appointment is not until the 17th of july!!!!!!!! arrrgggghh.... that is to long. going to have a month of worry, then god knows how long for results. :(

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