Ex partner -_-


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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Perhaps I'm being pathetic... some insight please?
My ex's new partner has cut my children's hair... it looks bloody awful!!! I tired to be tactful but there's no nice way to say 'WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABIES HAIR?!' Ahem... I think she's great! The kids love her, she keeps my ex busy and she's always polite to me so I don't want to offend her but what the actual fuck?!?! They look like they've done it themselves :wall2:
Am I being petty? Part of me is feeling guilty but the other half of me is fuming
If you get on really well with her I'd try to avoid saying anything, it's great that she gets on well with the kids and that you are happy with them being around her. However, I agree with you... why would you cut someone else's kids hair!!! Even my sons dad checks with me before taking him to get his hair cut.

Could you take them to have it tidied up without them noticing? Or if they do, just say you wanted a slightly different style? She can't really be upset about you cutting your own children's hair
We've only ever met twice but I admire the way she is with my children and therefore would like her to stick around... he had a horrible girlfriend who was quite aggressive and threatened me because I wouldn't meet her for coffee.. so I'm glad she's around! But she shouldn't cut their hair :mad:
Yeah I completely agree; it's over stepping boundaries
what was your ex's influence in this? I read on another post that he is their primary carer and you split the time so I guess hair cutting is his responsibility to but did he ask her or tell her to do it? or did she do it off her own back. it's done now so I'd try not to get worked up but maybe just say politely not to do it again
He asked her to do it, but we are equally responsible for things like that, I did mention that I didn't like it that way and that next time I didn't mind taking him to a hairdresser but obviously he took it offensively. Which is more the issue than me not liking it.. it would be nice to be able to have a civil conversation with him without it becoming petty and about us

Also I despise that term I don't believe he is in any way the primary carer because I see them more than he does as it is... the only thing that would give him the right to that title is claiming government handouts and that's wrong, why should I be punished for choosing to work? This country is so backwards sometimes...
I'm going to take him to a hairdresser tomorrow and get it neatened up and hopefully he won't notice lol
I would have gone mad. If they went to a professional hairdresser I wouldn't have minded, but if it looks as bad as you say I wouldn't be able to bite my tongue. Just my personal opinion tho.
I wanted to go so mad.. but luckily i reigned it in and just asked politely that they didn't cut it that way in future..I try to keep things civil but he reeeeeeally hates me!! He even said my pregnancy is the worst thing that could have happened and it shouldnt even exist..I'm selfish to have children by two fathers because it's confusing to my kids held my tongue there too!
I hope he hasn't blown this out of proportion to her and made her feel bad :( it just looks terrible like another child has hacked at him with scissors but like I say it's more him blowing it out of proportion than me actually not liking the haircut :/
Maybe I am being silly now I'm over the shock of seeing it lol! Pregnancy hormones make everything seem 10x worse
Thank you all for listening to me vent though it's good to let off steam x

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