Anyone got a Phil & Ted pushchair?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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We have 2 dogs so need a pretty rugged pushchair that will stand being wheeled through the woods, etc. On a recent dog walked we chatted to a dogwalker who has a LO and recommended a Phil & Ted. I've had a look and I like the fact we can get a carrycot for the newborn and can fix the carseat we are getting to it. It also looks big enough to take a toddler.

Just wondering if anyone has one and has any comments on it xxx
I was considering a Phil n teds but decided on a bugaboo instead for the four wheels instead of three x
I am always concerned that the three wheelers look like they could topple much easier, i know they are popular but i went for the Hartan and have not looked back. Mind you now that i have it i fancy the ABC too:)
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Check out mountain buggy. I've got an urban jungle, it's super rugged and sturdy. Does the whole travel system thing too with maxi cosi car seats.
Thanks guys, I'll have a look at that one Ninja. The Maxi Cosi car seat is the one we're going for so that sounds good :) xxx
I've had a Phil & Ted for about 4 years now. I use it for childminding so it has been put to the test on a regular basis. I absolutely love it!! It's very light weight & easy to push. It has a safety strap on the handle for you to put your wrist through so the buggy can't wheel away from you. The only downside is punctured tyres but they're pretty tough tires so will be fine for walking through the woods.

We're TTC baby number 2 n April meaning we'll have 2 babies under 2 (hopefully) so will need a double buggy. I plan on just giving the Phil & Ted a scrub and using that! :) x

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