All about meeeeeeeeee :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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i just thought i'd do this about me... thought we could all do it & get to know each other a bit more :D i don't know that much about some of you & would love 2... this is quite long but ive got loadsa time on my hands today... its just some stuff about me lol
hope ur all ok :D

My full name is Hayley Jackson
Was born 25th August 1988 in Dundonald, Northern Ireland (stupid army life!)
I’ve lived in Ireland, Wales, England, Spain & now Germany
Have 23 yr old sister, 22 yr old brother & 13 yr old sister
My Dad isn’t my biological Dad, but he’s the only Dad I’ve ever known
My biological Dad is a waste of space, I had to get in contact with HIM after 17 years
I have a gorgeous doggy, hes called Hamish & is 4, he’s a west highland white terrier
I love my family, I couldn’t cope without them
My friends are the best, I love them all muchos :D
I love the new friends ive made on this forum, I think they have all done an amazing job with their little ones :D
I love my little man, even though he’s not here yet… he’s the most important person in my life and I cant wait 2 meet him :D
At college I was studying psychology, law, pe & biology
I hope to finish my a levels next yr
I like to play all sports & I like 2 watch them all 2 :D
Football is the best… love it muchos although I haven’t been able to play 4 a while :(
Support Liverpool… they rock my world lol
I like big hugs
Holidays are the best… love the summer… but also the winter :D
Love to laugh... it’s a great feeling :D
Sleeping is good… though im not getting much of it lately!
I get on with pretty much everyone
I like fairgrounds and theme parks like loads
I like meeting new people
I love having fun & can get really hyper sometimes
I’m a perfectionist, I pay attention 2 detail
I’m an honest person
I trust easily, which could be why ive been hurt so much
I hate it when people who don’t know me, judge me
I can spend money like nobodys business
I’m like addicted to sprite, strawberries & grapes (not all together though!)
I love having long convos about anything at all
I can be shy or outgoing, depending on who I’m with
I don’t like following all the rules
I bottle things up way too much, find it hard 2 talk about how I’m feeling
I love to be surrounded by friends and family
I don’t mind being on my own sometimes though, I’m quite independent
I absolutely love watching horror films
I am, however, scared of being outside in the dark on my own!
I love shopping :D especially 4 things 4 my lil man :D
I laugh at stupid things, like people falling over
Chocolate is like soooo yummy… think I eat way too much of it :D
I like ice- cream
Pasta & chicken are like my all time favourite food
I sometimes talk way too much
I love so many different types of music
I hate bitchy & two faced people
I’m deeper than people think

hope people think they know me a bit better now :D
take care xx
Great idea :d

Ok heres mine:

My full name is Amy-Louise Knight
I was born in Newcastle on November 21st 1988
I then moved to Leeds(same house i live in now) when i was 5
I have a beatiful little lad Carey Jake who was born on 18th December 2005- My best christmas pressie!
I live with Mum, Stepdad and sister and brother Ellie and Josh who are 4 and 6.
My real dad moves around a lot and is in somewhere in America i think now, only ever spoke through e-mail and phone. He seams ok but i treat my stepdad as my biological dad.
I used to have a little puppy Rottweiler but she got a bit jealous of my little brother and sister when they got more attention than her so had to get rid of her :(
I was at college studying a certificate in care, im continuing that in a few weeks :(
I passed all my GCSE's :d
I would like to become a Nurse
I would like 3 children all together, Not for another 6 years or so though.
I also can not stand feisty or two faced people.
Hate - men that think they are better than women
Hate - people who judge before they know anything about you
Love my family and friends more than anything
I hate marmite lol

Thats all i can think of for now :dance:
great idea
my name is : sarah louise bilton
im 18 born on the 11 august 1987
my lil boy is Braydon Andrew Bilton - Andrew after my dad
i misscarried my baby twins in march :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
i live with my sis amanda, 16 my mum and my dad
i found out i was pg at 22 weeks
i had a 40 min labour (love that bit ) lol
i have lived in presant house for 7 months house before i lived in all my life
i am a BIG supporter of ipswich town FC
and HATE norwich city
errr you guys on here are better to me than my supposed m8s
i h8 men who try and organise your life (garry)
i have a dog called Gen who is 1 year and 1 month older than B
i work as a domestic assistant (bog cleaner) / carer
promise not to laugh but i am allergic to Alcohol lol

nething else u wanna know just ask lol

My name is Katrina Louise Saulino (Katrina afetr my parents first daughter who was still born).
Have an older sister who is 21 named Carmella and a 18 year old bro named Armand.
I have a beautiful 10 week old baby girl named Kiara.
I live with my Boyfriend of almost three years (june20th) and his name is Bernie hes 28.
We grew up with my dad raising us and my mom did a runner and barely talk to her as she is a druggy and a alcoholic.
We have a dog named KIlo who will be 2 on mya 27th hes our first baby lol.
I love this forum ive met great people on here some of whom i think i will be life long friends with.
I wanna go to England and visit everyone.
I only have two years to have another baby cuz Bernie dont want kids past 30
I do not work and dont have to but would like to open up a daycare :D
crazy i know .
I love my family and friends would do anything for them.
I love to laugh and i hate liers and inconsiderate people and tgose who laugh at the disabled .

i think tahts all
xxx Katrina
My name is Cassie Phillips im 18 b'day on 24 june 1987
I live with my fiance Alan who is 28 and my kittens smudge (8 months) and coco (5 months)
I live in reading but am originally from solihull, birmingham but have spent 2 years in sweden studying too.
im 10 weeks pregnant and puked for the first time yesterday :( thought i was getting away with it!!! :evil:
i hate: bullys
i love: my family, alan, kittens, friends,my unborn baby :D
i can be: a little stubborn and argumentative sometimes
i can also be: very outgoing, then very shy with different people
i stole this from hayleys post cause exactly the same comment goes for me, just changed it a bit: My Dad isn’t my biological Dad, but he’s the only Dad I’ve ever known, My biological Dad is a waste of space, I had to get in contact with HIM after 16 years ..and then never wanted to see him again.
i support: coventry city :dance:
Alan lives for :doh: : Liverpool (why? oh why?) (sorry hayley)
i hate with a massive passion : aston villa
i am: sensitive on certain matters, caring, try and be helpful when i can, rubbish at time keeping and nuts!!

i support: coventry city
Alan lives for : Liverpool (why? oh why?) (sorry hayley)
your poor child, he needs to support a team like ipswich
My name is Willow Ruby Eastley
im 15 on 10th october 2006
i was born in 1991
i live with my mum and identical twin sister.
i have been to 3 secondary schools because i am too naughty
i have no pets :'( but i have always wanted a dog :D
i hate my biological dad
he as a waste of space
my mum dosen't even know his name
i am very competetive n stubborn n i dont care what people say about me
i love bein outside in the dark
i am allergic to penicillin
i am very outgoing
all u ppl on here are some of the best friends ive got (except star)
i love connor to bits i have been with him since last june :D
his mum n my mum hate each other :p
i hate people who think they know evrithin about you when they dont know anything!!!!!!
i used to support crystal palace :dance: but now i dnt support ne1
ma fave song is dancing in the dark by dj gammy

love xx willow xx
wow this is coolies... feel lyk i no alot more about everyone now :D :D
hope ur all ok
i know its great brill idea hayley
and willow dont blame ya for canging ya mind bout CP lol :D
i know its great brill idea hayley
and willow dont blame ya for canging ya mind bout CP lol :D
:cry: :cry: :cry: I was just reading the posts and I noticed that Willows mum is nearly the same age as me. I feel so old now.
aww lol laura dont worry ur not old :D:D:D

a bit about me...

my full name is Mary-Louise Campbell
i live with my dad and 2 gorgeous kids :D
i left school when i was 14
i love the dark (especially if your in town)
kylie n demis dads are both b***ards
my mum was called Jennifer Jade Campbell
i used to have a cat
i hate bubbles
i was born in newport when my mum was 17
i found out i was pregnant with kylie @ 24 weeks
kylie was 4 weeks early and demi was exactly on time
i hate marmite
i have no gcse's :(
i wanted to be a lady who works in tesco when i was 5
i would like 3 kids altogether- a boy next time- not for a few years yet tho
i love theme parks
i have got a half sister i have never met and i dony know her name.
i hate people who say "arnt u a bit young for kids" etc
i hate people who dont help you to get the buggy onto the bus/tube
i hate selfish people
i hate rules lol
horror films rock!
my dad is 35 and my mum would be 34 this year :(
i talk a lot
im not very good at displining kylie
she thinks its funny
shes a naughty lil girl
when i was 10 i threw a chair at my teacher because she told me to do my work :D
i got away with it

cant think of anythin else :D
luv marylou xxx
i didnt realise u didnt find out till 24 weeks with kylie thats still after me lol
lol i dnt even realise i could b pregnant :p it took me 22/23 wks to actually realise and then ages to get the courage to do the pregnancy test lol
luv marylou xxx
my mum made me do the test at 21 weeks n 6 days had me down the docs at 9 oclock the next day and had a scan then, VERY scary so glad im not the only one, normally wen i tell people there like u thick cow

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