Recent content by Spinneygirl

  1. Spinneygirl

    Suggestions please

    Girl - Rosie or Mia Boy - Leo or Ryan
  2. Spinneygirl

    Our (possible) name...

    Love Lexi xxx
  3. Spinneygirl

    Only taken us 35 weeks...!!!

    Both are lovely xxx
  4. Spinneygirl

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Gorgeous bump Amy xxx
  5. Spinneygirl

    Hospital tour

    I saw my midwife this morning and asked about the tour and got told that my hospital dont do them anymore :sad: im disappointed as i was looking forward to it, hope you get yours sorted xxx
  6. Spinneygirl

    The final stretch :-)

    You sound very organised Emily, i think i will take a leaf out of your book when my time comes, enjoy your last few weeks hun xxx
  7. Spinneygirl

    Booked in for section

    Good luck hun xxx
  8. Spinneygirl

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Lovely bumps ladies xxx
  9. Spinneygirl

    *+* PinkTink23 Labour thread!! *+*

    Congratulations xxx
  10. Spinneygirl

    Xanthe Rose is here!

    Congratulations hunni, she is beautiful xxx
  11. Spinneygirl

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Why thank you my dear xxx
  12. Spinneygirl

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    First piccie in Tri 3, 27+3
  13. Spinneygirl

    Any news on Frankie?

    Congrats Frankie xxx
  14. Spinneygirl

    28 week check & tour of maternity unit

    Ive got my 28 week appointment with my midwife on Wednesday so will ask her then bout the tour, glad it went well for you xxx
  15. Spinneygirl

    Hey, I'm new :]

    Hi Shelley and welcome to PF xxx