Recent content by kedi376

  1. kedi376

    Consultant appt

    Thanks cos x
  2. kedi376

    Consultant appt

    Just come back from my consultants appointment. Consultant was lovely :) He felt my tummy and we listened to the heartbeat again. He said everything seemed normal yay! Only problem is I have sugar in my pee, so gotta have an urgent GTT appointment next week and then again at 28 weeks...
  3. kedi376

    Joining the dark side...

    Have fun in tri3 x
  4. kedi376

    Had our scan today..

    Yay to team pink congratulations x
  5. kedi376

    20 week scan today :D

    Hey congrats on the scan, lovely picture. It's so exciting, I cannot wait until my scan on Tuesday eeeeeeeeek!!!
  6. kedi376

    heard the heartbeat! :)

    Yay to hearing the heartbeat. It's a great sound isnt is? X
  7. kedi376

    :) Finally!!!!!

    Nice to see you back with your BFP! Congratulations xx
  8. kedi376

    Our nursery is nearly done!!!

    It looks great, and i love the wall art. Love the cot too, I looked at that one but it's just too big for the space we have :( Now i'm a little jealous..
  9. kedi376

    What happens next.....?

    Blood tests, as the others have said you get that at your first MW appointment. I had more blood tests at my first scan but these were for the downs syndrome check. So if you've decided you don't want that I'm guessing they won't take any blood.
  10. kedi376

    Preparing for battle

    Hey hun, I don't really have any advice, especially as I've never experienced labour. Just wanted to say sorry today didn't go as you wanted it. Keep trying though and maybe they will compromise in some areas.
  11. kedi376

    Section in the morning x

    Fantastic news, congratulations. He is lovely x
  12. kedi376

    20 week scan soo suprised!!

    Congratulations on team pink! And I'm 36 so less of the old eh? Lol
  13. kedi376

    Hmmmm, very tentatively announcing my BFP!

    Congratulations x
  14. kedi376

    BFP on Jack's 1st Birthday!!!!

    Aw lovely news congratulations x
  15. kedi376

    Section in the morning x

    Good luck today xxx