Recent content by Amanda

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    Aww, miss you too hun. :hug: We're all good. Kayleigh's just turned 15 :shock: , and has her first job! Charlie's 21 months and a lovely little boy. He makes me laugh all day long! :lol: We're still ttc number 3. :( Nothing happening. Had our first hospital appointment this...
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    I know I've not been on here for about a year :oops: , but I am still registered and have just had the newsletter. I can't believe the fantastic news!!! Twins!!!! :cheer: I'm over the moon for you hun, and just wanted to let you know. :hug:
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    I've just re-read through those posts and noticed your signature Urchin!!!! Congratulations on number 3! :hug: :cheer:
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    Awww, it's nice to know I'm missed!!! :hug: Just a quick update - Kayleighs now 14 and a half :shock: , Charlie's 14 and a half months :shock: , and we're still ttc number 3! We've been trying since Charlie was born, but no luck as yet. :? I've had a blood test today to make sure...
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    im home already

    I don't have time to come on here anymore since going back work :( , but someone let me know this amazingly fantastic news! :dance: I am so so pleased for you Rach. :hug: I really don't know anything else to say - I've got tears in my eyes while I'm typing this. I am just overjoyed...
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    Amanda (Tankett)

    I'm still here!!! :wave: I've been back work since the beginning of the month, so haven't got a second to myself. I'm only on here now because I've been to the dentist so left work early. Oh, and Urchin PM'd me so I had an email! Thanks Urchin! :hug: It's nice to know I'm missed. :D...
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    Why did you have a Caesarean delivery?

    I had a natural birth with Kayleigh, but then am elective section at 39 weeks with Charlie. I had acute SPD and couldn't possibly have opened my legs enough to give birth!!!! :shock: Even though the spinal block wore off while they wer stitching me up :shock: , I would opt for a section over...
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    Amanda (tankett)

    We're still in the flat davina. :roll: I've had to put Charlie in a nursery near Kayleigh's school, even though it's 5 miles away. That way, I can drop them both off in the morning and get to work for 9 (I work half a mile away from the flat! :roll: ), then pick them both up after work...
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    Amanda (tankett)

    Sorry! :oops: I'm just so busy at the minute I don't seem to have a minute to myself!!! We all okay, I'm back work next Monday. :shock: Charlie's in nursery from today, so at least I can go in if I need to. He's fine though, hasn't even noticed I've left him there! :roll: As for the...
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    Thea being gorgeous

    She is just adorable!!! :D
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    Absolute BARGAIN

    Awww!! I was bidding on some blue ones for Charlie the other day, but the heavy winds knocked my broadband off for 24 hours and someone else got them. :evil:
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    Dear Auntie Floella

    Awwww. Can I nick that GGG????? :pray:
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    Mums of 2 (or more!) - Baby's weight

    Kayleigh was 19 days late and 6lb 7oz, Charlie was 7 days early and 7lb 8oz So in my case it is true.
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    Could it be????

    Nah, she's here well and good. :x I'll try and keep her here though!! :D :hug:
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    Feeling very very low!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh hun, I'm just about to feed a very hungry Charlie so can't chat right now, but if you need me later, drop me a pm. :hug: Hope one of the other girsl can help you now. :hug: