Think my doctor is wrong about timing of 21day bloods - help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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hi all, feel a bit cheeky posting in here but you are all so knowledgable!!

Been charting for 5 months now and every month my temp drops and I start spotting at only about 8 or 9 dpo. From PF I know this may indicate a progesterone issue - is that right? I went to the doc today just to talk about being healthy for ttc and my issue with days and days of spotting before AF starts each month (literally had this for years) She said i should have a 21day blood test and I kind of pushed her by saying do you mean day 21 of cycle or 7dpo? she kept saying day 21 of cycle. That isn't right is it? If you ovulate ealier or later than the textbook day 14 it is going to be over or under stated?

Confused - HELP!!!!
Yes you're right. Seems strange that she wouldn't consider the fact that just because of the name they are not on day 21 for everyone!
bl00dy NHS!!! i didnt want to appear rude or like a know it all so i kept quiet! Thanks for confirming, will make my blood test appointment with a nurse for 7dpo!
my impression was that they take bloods on day 21 of your cycle, this is irrelevant of when you ovulate, its day 21, this monitors hormone levels LSH/FSH, they know roughly where you should be a ball park figure on day 21.

Then there is another test to test your progesterone which is taken 7 days before you think you are due your period which is no help if you dont know when you ovulate. Not sure 100% of this but this was the impression i was given when ttc
Day 21 blood tests are done 7 days after you ovulate.

You are right not all women have a 28 day cycle so day 21 won't be accurate.

If you know how long your cycles normally are just count 7 days after you ovulate. If your not sure when you ovulate perhaps try using ovulation tests and as soon as you get your positive make an appointment for 7 days time xx
ps Dont assume they know more than you darlin, I was told I was in menopause and would NEVER have another child and I fell pregnant and they told me that was pretty much impossible as it was less than 1% chance of that happening x
today is day 16 and will ov today or tomo i think so only a few days off
I was going to say if it was only a day it might not make a huge difference but when you could be 3 days out I'd insist they get the right day! x
Yeah, you're right - 7 dpo :)

My doctor said that unless it's 7dpo that the results are totally inaccurate and a waste of time, so i'd get it as close as you can.

I find that GPs knowledge is so general that it's very limited on specifics.
right im back - so thought i was gonna ovualate about day 16, im 2 days into my 3 day temp shift so think i ovuluated on day 18. as per the rest of the posts you will know the doc wants me in for day 21 bloods which is tomorrow (Monday 7th)

In my case day 21 will only be 3dpo. I will phone the surgery tomo but how do i say to the doctor that im not 7dpo as assumed on day21 without starting a bad relationship with her or looking pushy/a pain in the ar$e and that we shouldbe testing on day 25? HELP!!!
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I'd call as if they know when they should be done too - say that you were supposed to be having day 21 bloods taken tomorrow but as you ovulated late you'll need to change the date. Chances are they've checked since you went in and realise you're right :lol: And if not and they disagree I'd ask them to check x
ok, thanks, i just dont like looking pushy. will put on my best "sweet little girl lost" voice and see what happens!
Good plan :lol: And if she still doesn't get it tell her that a quick google search should prove you right. Or ask her if she'd still be wanting to test you on day 21 if you had 39 day cycles and ovulated on day 25 :wall:

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