Midwife in 1 hour - Butterflies!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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LOL, this is probably going to sound really daft and very random but I have butterflies in my tummy when I think about going to see my midwife in 2 hours at 3pm. I'm really hoping that she'll listen in to baby's HB as since the bleeding that I had 2 weeks ago, i've been really nervous about whether bab is ok or not and I soo hope it is. Hopefully by then end I will know. :)

I have so many aches and pains to ask her about, I just hope that she has time to fit them all in! This is my first MW appointment since my booking in at 10 1/2 weeks because they lost my last appointment and couldn't fit me in until now! I have absolutely no idea what to expect either. The MW that I saw for my booking in has retired so I have a new one and I dont know what she is like, she sounds really nice on the phone. The first one was sooo very useless and instead of spending about an hour on my booking in, I was out within 20 minutes after being told more or less nothing, and she got my name wrong on half of my maternity notes! Not just spelt wrong, the actual wrong name... :eh:

I'm afraid there really is not much point in this post apart from giving my fingers something to do and trying to pass time! If any of you can tell me maybe what to expect today, that may help. Or if you want, just post your daft pregnancy worries so I dont feel quite so insane.....

Keep me sane girls! I leave at 2:15, only an hour to go now!!

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Hope she will listen to the HB for you!! Sure she will if you say it has been really stressing you out. I have to say that I allways end up feeling a little bit dissapointed after my appointments as it always feels a bit rushed!
Well, got in early to see the MW and heard babs HB nice and strong, although mine over rode it a bit as it was beating so loud, lol! So all is good and I'm still sane.

:dance: Brilliant news!! Time to relax a bit now.

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