Dropped the formula feed!

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Well ladies as some of you know I gave lo a formula feed as his last feed (hopefully last feed) of the day/night in the hope he would feel fuller so sleep longer (i would still bf during night) as the 2 hr between feeds every night is a bit of a killer.

Lo had the formula for three consecutive nights the longest gap we got was three hours and that was on one occasion. I've decided to stop the formula feed as the only benefit was that I got a bit more sleep as dh would do a feed. So I'm now back to exclusively bf, I think one of the problems was lo would only take between 2-3 oz so I font think that was enough to keep him going. I am pleased he will take a bottle as it is a back up if I go into meltdown or choose to express as I'm now back to the two hourly feeds!!!

Thanks for your support Esp those that got in touch :)
That's great your back to ebf. To help with the extra sleep could you express the last feed so OH could continue to give it? You get some extra sleep and he gets some bonding time.
sounds good hun, im still trying to phase mine out but we are down to 1 or 2 at most. she had both my boobs and 4oz last night but only that one topup. this thrush has really put a hardship on phasing out the formula but we are doing feeds every 2 hrs pretty much so i know shes getting someting from me for the rest of the day lol
Well done hun. It's not easy but you are doing so well.xx
Well I think he's starting to increase the times we had 3.5 hrs and 2.5 hrs he's also consistently going back down on his Moses :) x
Awww your doing a fantastic job, I think as many of tge women will say on here ff can be just ad tough as bf but for different reasons. At least once it's going ok, we can just pull s boob out lol! X
Oooh how's LO getting on with the Moses basket? Ariel still only settles for tge first part of his sleep still. I know its controversial but I've finally given in and bought a superking bed with a nice firm mattress so I can add a co-sleeper section onto it...
At least you know you tried it, and it didn't make a difference.

You know what is best for your baby, and if he is happy, and is eating you are doing a fantastic job.
Well done you! It's so hard whatever you feed them, you are a great mummy :hug:
your doing a fab job hun, very interesting it never made a difference, hope you start to get more sleep soon. xx

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