Recent content by taperjeangirl

  1. taperjeangirl

    What are these little 'pops' I'm feeling?

    Awww it is amazing, wait till you start getting proper kicked! It's really cool!
  2. taperjeangirl

    V day. whoop whoop

    yay! Congrats!
  3. taperjeangirl

    What are these little 'pops' I'm feeling?

    sounds like very early movements to me :) Although most will tell you it's impossible, it can definitely happen this early on!
  4. taperjeangirl

    Watching last night's OBEM

    its one of the most frustrating things :( But sadly it happens everywhere, some of them are allowed out to smoke during labour :( I remember going in last time and having to walk through a cloud of smoke with about 4 women standing outside the labour ward entrance :(
  5. taperjeangirl

    To dopler or not to dopler?

    I would vote no, I didnt have one in my previous pregnancies and this time I bought one early on and it's caused me nothing but stress! I found the HB once, and since then I've not been able to and it's soooo stressful! But it is your choice, just don't rely on it for reassurance as sometimes...
  6. taperjeangirl

    Cheap tests

    half and half, I was very sceptical about it but so surprised when it worked! I want to go and buy more tests to do it again LOL!!
  7. taperjeangirl

    Cheap tests

    well on the advice from other girls on the sister site ;) They told me to test again, but this time to dilute the urine with water, it's called "the hook effect" The further on you get in pregnancy the higher your HCG levels get, so high that pregnancy tests can't actually pick it up as...
  8. taperjeangirl

    Cheap tests

    im pissed off at myself because i wasted my last digi last week so i could see the "pregnant 3+" again!!! Going to go out and get more tests later x
  9. taperjeangirl

    Cheap tests

    I am 8 weeks pregnant, symptoms haven't been as bad as they were last times, but sickness was really starting to take hold and I was waking through the night to be sick , which is a usual symptom for me during pregnancy! Last night I didn't though.... My sickness usually goes on for 5 months...
  10. taperjeangirl

    TTC Due to test on Sunday

    wss^^^ Good luck!
  11. taperjeangirl

    Wooooo hooooo

    we seen it at midnight on it's day of release AMAZING! Going to see it again tonight !!
  12. taperjeangirl

    8 months of trying and BFP!!

  13. taperjeangirl

